BUILT BY: Assembly of DMTSYS at RSCS generation FUNCTION: Record allocation status of switch able line ports available te RSCS DESCRIPTION: The first double word of the table is reserved for control information.
Each following halfword contains the virtual device address of a line Fort which may be dialed, and which is available to RSCS. o Nu.ber of Line Port Entries
in Table
8 Virtual Line Address Virtual Line Address
C Virtual Line Address Virtual Line Address 10 Virtual Line Address Virtual Line Address OPERATIONAL NOTES The line pert entries are marked "in use" by setting the high-order feur bits of the
entries to 1's. 304 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic
BUILT BY: DftTNPT, DMTSML FUNCTION: Terminate line driver task DESCRIPTION: This request element is passed via GIVE/TAKE to the REX task, to terminate
line driver operation in response to a tRAIN command.
o I Length I (1) , OPERATIONAL NOTES Function
Code: X'03' Tbere are no error conditions for the terminate function, so no response is made.
However, line driver tasks must issue a WAIT request following a call to GIVE fer
terminate, because REX may not execute the request immediately.
Appendix C. RSCS Request Elements 305
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