VM370 Rel 6 Data Areas and Control Block Logic (Mar79)
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ERDSECT Hexadecimal Field Displacement Name BD co CS DO D3 D6 D9 DA La§! BRSFH BRSFD BRSFC BRSFH4 BRSFCS BRSBL ERSSZ BRKBSS BRSBCT BRNUK BRLBT BRBL Bits Give Q£!!on --EQU---O BQU 1 EQU 2 BQU 3 BQU 4 Field Descripticn, Contents, Meaning HEX or DEC or CHARA HEX4A CHAR8! HEXA DECA DS x A*5 Byte length for the current sUbstitution paraaeter DS A DS D DC C'DMS' DC C'MMM' DC C'NBN' DC C'L' A*6 DC C" A*7 Size of sUbstitution field is number of dots ainus 1 Need doublevord before text First letters of header DSECi naae Message num1:er Message level letter Blank ERTSIZE EQU 130 Maximua text size DB 160 160 16S 16C BRTBXT DS ERTPL BRTPLA ERTPLL DS DC DS DS (ERTSIZE+1)C Message text area PLIST Construction OP--- ------------ CLS'TYPLIN AL1(1),AL3(ERMESS) Message text C'R',AL3 Message length 176 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic address
EXTSECT EXTSECT describes the fields in the External Interrupt work area referenced by DMSITE. EXTSECT is pointed to by the AEXTSECT field in NOCON. o 40 48 50 58 60 68 A8 BO B8 co C8 Hexadecimal Field Displacement Naae 0 EXSAVE 40 TYPLIST 48 TIftCCi 4C 50 TIft CHAR 58 SCAi 64 TIMIHIT 68 EISAVE1 A8 EXTPSW IC BO SAVEIT B4 EXSAVE TYPLIST TIftCCW TIllCHAR SCAW TIMINI'I- EXSAVE1 EITPSW SAVEXT EITRET JRO JR1 STI!!EIIT 1*1 11/11/11111111111111. Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS 16F Saved external old PSW and/or contents of registers DC CL8'TYPLIN' PLIS1 to type BLIP character DC A (TIMCHAR) DC C'B',X'81',AL2(1) DC X'FF',IL1'00' BLIP character(s) DC XL12'00' Saved CSW/CAW DC A (2000000/13) Value that sets tiaer equal to 2 seccnds External .1!!terr,YE! DS ---16P-- Saved registers DC X'80000000' Filled-in PSi DC A (0) DC F'O' Transfer address for external interrupt DC V (DMSDBG) Address in IEBUG for external interrupt Section 2. CMS Iata Areas and Ccntrcl Blocks 111