USAVE/, USERSECT USAiE is used by DKSITS to allocate and free save areas for other routines during SVC processing; it is pointed to by the USAVEPTR field in SSAiE. USAVE is invoked via the SiCSAiE macro. I 01 581 Hexadecimal
o Field Naae DS USAVESZ EQU 12D (*-USAiE) /8 Field Description, Contents, Beaning Scratch area passed to user via a pcinter in
R13 Size cf user save area in dcublewords (X'OC') USERSECT describes the USER SECT block which is a general scratch storage for user-defined purposes . ., It may be redefined to suit installation USERSECT is pcinted to by the AUSER field in NUCON. area provided
o I 40 Hexadecimal Field
Displacement Naae o USCRTCH DC 18F'0' USCRTCH Field Description, Contents, eeaning User scratch area; lIay te redefined per
installation requirements Section 2. ces tata Areas and Contrcl Blocks 245
246 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic
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