Appendix C. RSCS Request Elements This provides information en the format and use of BSCS request elements. These elements are used by RSCS tasks in task-to-task cc.munication.
The information provided includes: The name of the module that builds the element The functicn performed by the element A brief description of the element's usage The format of the element Any operational notes that might be useful in understanding how the element
is used
Appendix C. RSCS Request Elements 291
BUILT BY: DftTCftl lUWC!ION: Execate an lIS command DISCBIPTION: This ALERT element is passed via ALERT to the lIS task (DMTAIS) to request
second-level processing of ORDER and PURGE commands. o
C 10 Function Length
(n-1) Code: 1'10',1'11' spcolid count
linkid OPERlTIOIAL tOTES Response Code spoolid
spoolid Modifiers The Iialid field specifies the affected link. The spoolid fields are binary halfwords and specifJ the files enqueued on the specified link which are to te reordered or purged. The sFoolid COWDt field is a binary halfword and specifies the total numter cf spoolid fields preseat. The meanings of the other fields follow. f.tHiJi lUDcti0B Co •• : x'10' •• lipO ••• C ••• Ii: 1'00' II ••• mt accepted for processing 1'10' Ile.ent rejected, busy lollifier.: 1'10' 1 •• poDse .essages go to local RSCS operator X'OO' lespoDse messages go to specified link. '.Betio. Code: X'11' Response Codes: X'OO' Ileaeftt accepted for processing 1'10' Ilement rejected, busy ftodifiers: I'SO' lesponse messages go to local RSCS operator 1'_0' farge all files enqueued on the specified link 1'00' Parge only specified files, response messages go to sFecified link III '1/370 Data lreas and Control Block Logic
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