OVSECT, PCTAB OVSECT is used by Ilodule DMSOVS to provide trace information requested by SVCTRACE. 0 8 Eexadecillal Displacement
------------ 0 4
8 C r r---------------------------------------------------------, I OVSGO AERR I I -----------------------------------------------------1 I Pield Name OVSGO B
A (0) A {OJ A (0) LENOVS I Field Description, Ccntents, Meaning Eranch to this point for TRICE lddress of fMSERR lddress of CONWAIT Length of DMSOVS doutlevords PCTAE is used by DOS/VS routines in the event of a progra. check. The address of PCTIE is in bytes X'64' andX'65' of the partition coaaunication region (BGCCI!). o PCROUT PCSIVE Eexadecimal Pield Displacement Naae Field Description, Contents, Meaning ------------ -------------------------------------- PCTIB EQU *-8 Progra. check option table
a PCROUT DC P'O' PCROUT a when no STIlT .acro vas issued
address of user prograa check
routine (indicat ing that the STIlT macro vas issued)
co.ple.ent of the address of the
user progra. check rcutine
(indicating that specified routine
in the user STIlT aacro vas
already in use)
4 PCSIVE DC P'O' PCSAV! = a when no S'lilT .acro vas issued
= address of user save area
(indicating that the STIlT macro vas issued)
224 IBM VM/370 Data lreas and Control Block Logic
PDSSECT PDSSECT describes the fields of the in-storage directory that is used in CS simulation of BPAM. The in-storage directory is built dynamically ty DMSSVT froll ces free storage.
8 Eexadeci!!!al Displacelient ------------ 0 6
F 10 DIRNAeE I DIRPTR I ---------------------------------------------------1
A*1 I 1*2 CORE SIZE prSELKSI A*3 I111111I Field iialle Field Description, Contents, eeaning -------------------------------------- DIRNAeE DS 3H IUCLIE identifier DIRPTR DS 1H Item pointer to start of directory TEMPBYTE DS 11 A*1 If byte has dollar sign ($) , then prs is in $PDSTEMP file NEWBLKS DS 11 A*2 No. of new tlocks added to FDS by STOW CORESIZE DS 1H Size of dictionary in tytes PDSBLKSI DS 1H Elock size of dictionary CHNGBYTE DS 11 A*3 Indicates updates to dictionary DS 11 Reserved for IBe use PDSDIR DS OF Start of in-storage dictionary Section 2. ces rata Areas and Control Blocks 225
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