BUILT BY: DMTCMX FUNCTION: Execute AXS command DESCRIPTION: This ALERT element is passed via ALERT tc the AXS task (DMTAXS) to request
second-level processing of CHANGE commands.
C 10 14
Length (X'33') spoolid HOLD OPERATIONAL NOTES Function
Code: X'20' I Response I Code
priority CLASS COpy Distribution Code
filename/filetype. dsname Modifiers The linkid field specifies the link on which the object inactive file is enqueued. The
spoolid field is a binary halfword and specifies the object file's VM/370 RSCS identifier.
The following fields are specified only when the corresponding file attribute is to be
changed. If the field is not specified, it is set to all 1 priority halfword contains binary priority 0-S9 HOLD has the following: X'7F' -- set hold status (HeLD) X'3F' -- reset hold status (NOHOLD) CLASS 1-tyte EBCDIC class, A-Z, 0-9 COpy halfwcrd binary copy count, 1-99 Distributicn code S-byte EBCDIC spool file distribution code Filename/filetype, dsname, 24-byte EBCDIC spocl file filename or filetype or dsname
The meanings of the other fields follow.
Function Code: X'20' Response Codes: X'OO' Element accepted for processing X'10' Element rejected, busy
Modifiers: X'SO' Response messages go to local RSCS operator X'OO' Response messages go to specified link
Appendix C. RSCS Request Elements 293
EUILT BY: DMTCMX FUNCTION: Execute a line driver command
DESCRIPTION: This ALERT element is passed via ALERT to a line driver task (DMTNFT, DMTSBL) to request second-level processing of START, DRAIN, FBEE, BOLD, and
TRACE commands. o 4 Length (X'OB') Function I Code: X'80,X'81',1 Response X'82',X'83',X'84'1 Code
locid Modifiers L- ____________________________________________________ ----J OPERATIONAL NOTES The locid sFecifies the location that is to receive response messages. The .eanings of
the other fields follow.
Function Code: X'80' Response Codes: X'OO' Element accepted for Frocessing X'10' Element rejected, busy Modifiers: X'80' Start updated classes X'OO' Reset DRAIN status
Function Code: X'81' Response Codes: X'OO' Element accepted for processing X'10' Ele.ent rejected, busy Modifiers: Unused 294 IBB VM/310 Data Areas and Control Block Logic
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