BUILT BY: DMTCMX FUNCTION: Execute a line driver command DESCRIPTION: This ALERT element is passed via ALERT to a line driTer task (DaI;if, DMTSML) to request second-level processing of FLUSH o
Length (X' OD' ) Spoolid OPERATIONAL NOTES Function
Code: X'AO' Respcnse
Code Modifiers The locid specifies the location that is to receive response messages. speolii field is a binary halfvord, and specifies the VM/370 RSCS identifier of the actiYe file to flushed. The meanings of the other fields follow. Function Code: X'AO' Response Codes: X'OO' Element accepted for processing X'10' Element rejected, busy Modifiers: X'80' Flush all cOFies, purge file X'40' Flush hold, keep file, do not decrement copy count X'OO' Flush, decrement copy count, purge file if nc copy count reaaimz Appendix C. RSCS Request Elements 297
BUILT BY: DMTCMX, DMTMGX FUNCTION: Execute a line driver command DESCRIPTION: This ALERT element is passed via DMTSML) to forward messages, and te cOllllands. ALERT to a line driver task (DMTNPT, request second-level processing ef CMD o
Length (n-l) OPERATIONAL NOTES Function
Code: X'BO',X'B1' locid
Response Cede Message/Coamand Text Modifiers The locid specifies the locaticn that is to receive the message or command text. The meanings of the other fields follow.
Function Code: X'BO' Response Codes: X'OO' Element acceFted for processing X'10' Element rejected, busy Modifiers: None
Function Code: X'Bl' Response Codes: X'OO' Eleaent accepted for Frocessing X'10' Element rejected, busy Modifiers: One-byte binary RSCS severity code
298 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic
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