BUILT BY: DMTNPT, DMTSML FUNCTION: Initiates or terminates processing of an input or output file. :CESCRIPTION: o
This request element is passed via GIVE/TAKE to
drivers to effect local spool file access during
remote station.
Length (X'13') I Function Code: I I X'01', X'02',1 I X'11', X'12' I Unused TAG Address I/O Area Address
linkid ftodifiers OPERATIONAL NOTES the AXS task by line
communications with a
The use and meaning of the various fields depends on the requested function, as described
telow. Certain fields may be updated during request processing. The (updated) file
request element is returned to the requestor as a GIVE response.. The meanings of the
other fields follow.
Function Code: X'01' Mcdifiers: Unused Tag Address: Response field that points to the opened file's active TAG in DMTSYS I/O Area Address: Response field that points to a virtual page buffer containing the
opened file's first VM/370 spool data buffer.
linkid: Request field that specifies the requesting line driver's linkid.
Response Post Codes: X'08' Terminal system error X'04' No file available X'02' Undefined linkid X'01' Previously open file returned 300 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic
Function Code: X'11' Modifiers: X'80' Do not return possible Freviously opened file
Tag Address: Request field which points to a prototype file TAG for the output file,
constructed by the calling line I/O Area Address: Response field which pGints to a virtual page buffer ccntaining an I/O table, a write CCi, and a buffer for processing the output file.
linkid: Request field which specifies the requesting line driver's linkid.
Response post Codes: X'04' Error, file not opened Undefined linkid X'01' previously open file returned
Function Code: X'02' Modifiers: X'80' Do not purge copy or file X'40' Purge all copies, and purge file
Tag Address: Request field which points to the file's active TAG in tMTSYS, as supplied
by open input. I/O Area Address: Unused Unused Response Post Codes: X'04' TAG not found, close failed Function Code: X'12' Modifiers: Unused
Tag Address: Request field which points to a
constructed by the calling line to be set for the output file.
prototype file
This TAG is used
TAG for the output file,
to update the parameters I/O Area Address: Request field which pOints to the file's I/C area, as supplied by open output,. linkid: Unused
Response Post Codes: X'04' I/O area not found, close failed
Appendix C. RSCS Request Elements 301
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