This information is included in the "CP Introduction" and "CP Diagnostic Aids"
sections of this publication. YM/370 MEASUREMENT ENHANCEMENTS FACILITY (MONITOR) lew: Program and Documentation
The YM/370 Measurement Facility
(!onitor) has been enhanced to extend
its data collection and recording
capabilities. These enhancements
include: The gathering of additional data
related to utilization of channels, davices, 1/0 paths, and AP/UP PROCESSING. Selective programmers which seek
seeks that
to select
inforlla tion
allow system devices for
is to be Monitor-To-Disk support for real time allows system programllers to specify
when the YM/370 Monitor is to close
the spool file. A new subroutine, DMKENTTI, is added.
It is a high-frequency I/O status sampler that tests for busy conditions
in all control units and devices by examining appropriate CP control blocks
and in all channels via TCB
instructions. A new subroutine, DMKENT62 samples the
data accumulated by DMKENTTI and writes
it in a new class 6 code 2 record, after
the standard class 6 (DASTAP) code 1
record has been collected in D!K!ONTI. This information is contained in the "CP Directories" section of this
publication. 4331 AID 4341 PROCESSOR SUPPORT lew: Documentation YM/370 provides support for the 4331 and 4341 processors and the 3278 Model 2A display station as a system console for
these processors. The character set on
the 3278 Model 21 is the same as on the
current 3270 display systems, plus six
additional graphic national usage
characters that are acceptable in input
and output data streams. New modules and their entry points have
been added to the "Label-To-Module" and "Module-To-Label" cross references in
this publication. SPECIAL MESSAGE FACILITY Program and Documentation
A new CP co.mand, SMSG, is provided to
allow a terminal user to send a message to another user's virtual storage. The
receiving virtual machine must be
prepared to receive the message. This
is done by issuing a VeCF AUTHORIZE and
setting seSG ON prior to receiving a message. Information about Special Messages is
found in the "CP Introduction" and "CP Directories" sections of this
publication. IBM 3850 MASS STORAGE SYSTEM (eSS) SUPPORT Program and Documentation Virtual machines operating CMS, OS/'S1, or OS/VS2 (MVS) can access mass storage volumes containing V!/370 minidisks or
entire mass storage volumes dedicated to
the virtual machine. These volumes will
appear to .the virtual machine as 3330 volumes and will be accessed using 3330 device support. CF controls unit
allocation, volume mounting, and volume demounting. Virtual machines running OS/VS1 or OS/VS2 (MYS) and that contain !SS support can also access mass storage volumes using dedicated device support.
Com.unication with the Mass Storage Control (MSC) component of MSS is
provided by service virtual machines operating either OS/VS1 or OS/VS2 (!VS). The 'M/370 control program initiates volume mounts and demounts via intersystem communication with an
application program (DMK!SS) running
under either OS/VS1 or OS/VS2 (e,S). For information about the logiC of the D!K!SS application program, see the .!AL37 0 servi.£! jrogI!.! Order Number SY20-0882. DIAGNOSE Code 1'78' is added to communicate between a virtual machine and CP for !SS This information can be found in the "CP Introduction" section of this
publication. x IB! V!/370 System Logic and Problem Determination--Voluae 1
Appendix B is added to this publication
to show flow diagrams of functions that
utilize the MSS. 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT New: Program and Documentation VM/370 supports the full facilites of
the 3800 Printing Subsystem as a
dedicated device. Limited 3800 printer
support is provided by the 1M/370 spooling facility. DIAGNOSE Code 1'74' is added to VM/370 to save or load a named system that
contains control tables and control
modules for the 3800 printer. The new NAME3800 macro instruction allows named systems to be specified in the same manner as the NAMENP macro instruction.
This information is contained in the "CP
Introduction", "CP Directories", and "CP Method of Operation and Program
Organizaticn" sections of this
Two new utility programs, GENI!AGE and IMAGELIB construct or modify the tables
and modules that control feature
selections and printing on the 3800 printer. The I!lGELIE utility saves the
control tables and control modules as a named system. Logic details on GENIMlGE and I!AGELIB are contained in the V8/370 Routines Logi£ Order Number SY20-0882. CP ABEND CODES REMOVED Documentation Only To eliminate duplication, the CP Abend
codes have been removed from this
manual. They are found in the V8l170 Message, Order Number GC20-1808. Summary of lmendments xi
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