viii IBM VM/370 System Logic and Problem Deteraination--Volu.e 1
3203 80DEL 5 PRIITER SUPPORT Changed: Documentation V8/370 supports the 3203 80del 5 printer in the same manner as the 3203 80del 4 printer.
SHARED SEG8EIT 80DIFICATIONS I!!: Program and Documentation V8/370 now places the user in console
function mode if he modifies a protected
shared segaent; it returns the modified page to free storage. V8/370 continues
to give other users of the segment
access to a fresh copy of the .odified
page. This is discussed in the "CP" Introduction" section of this
The LOADSYS diagnose function is
changed. When LOADSYS is executed, CP
finds the system name table entry for
the naaed system. In AP mode, two sets
of page and swap tables are built, one
for each processor. This is done for
each shared segment in attached
processor sode unless the named segment was defined as unprotected. lew abend codes are also added.
are found in the "CP Diagnostic
section of this publication.
Aids" 8ESSAGE NO HEADER (8SGNOH) C088AND SUPPORT New: Program and Documentation
This support allows service virtual machines with privilege class B in a system to send unfor.atted
aessages to other user of the systea.
The "CP Directories" section of this
publication reflects the 8SGNOH update. PASSWORD ON-THE-C088AND-LINE SUPPRESSION New: Program and Documentation Suaaary of laendaents
for SY20-0886-1 V8/370 Release 6 PLC 1
This support is added to V8/310 to
prevent disclosure of virtual aachine
and minidisk passwords on the saae line
as the LOGON, IUTOLOG, and LINK commands. To reflect this support, the DIAGNOSE Code X'08' instruction has been
updated. Changes are
in the
of "CP this DIAGNOSE CODE X'08' INSTBUCTION ENHANCED Changed: Docuaentation DIAGNOSE CODE X'08' bas been modified to allow the caller to cheose to have
inforaation returned to his virtual
machine's buffer or handled as console
line output. This inforaation is found
in the "CP Introduction" section of this
publication. LOGON, IUTOLOG IND LINK JOURNILING New: Program and Documentation V8/310 supports the journaling of LOGeN and lUTOLOG commands that specify
in'valid passwords, and the journaling of
all LINK co.mands. This is done via the
generation of type 04, OS, and 06 accounting records.
The "CP Directories" section of this
publication has been updated to reflect
this information. DIRECTORY UPDATE IN-PLlCE Prograa and Docuaentation
The DIIGNOSE Code X'84' instruction is
added to V8/310 to allow certain
directory options to be changed on-line
without updating the directory source
file. Sum.ary of Aaendaents ix
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