DKKDSP RESTART -- Restart-the system on warm start indication. Dump CP storage or all storage to the selected tape drive per
specified tape parameters. DKKDMD Restart the system if warm start is indicated. DMKDMP, Dump CP storage or all storage to the selected printer. Restart the system if warm start is indicated. VIRTUAL MACHINE INITIALIZATION AND TERMINATION DMKCNSIN via interruption from a console or terminal (not displays)
If appropriate, determine and store device type in the Write the VK/370 online message. Sets up to receive
device. RDEVBLOK. attention DMKBLDVM On attention interruption, build skeleton VMBLOK for LOGONxxx. DMKCFMBK Send read CCWs to the terminal for LOGON or DIAL response. DMKTRMID ---On-response determine translate tables to be used. DMKCFKBK ---ValIdate command and transfer to DMKLOGON. DMKLOGON ---LOGON command execution. DKKDIAL - Dial access linkage to mUltiaccess system. DMKUDR ----vIa user directory access, validate user logon eligibility. On acceptance of eligibility, that is the successful completion of
logon, build and allocate control blocks and linkages for the user's
virtual machine. DMKCFGIP ---por--the IPL of a named saved system, the name is verified and
resources are checked for availability. Virtual storage is set up
with the saved system via SWAPTABLE, SEGTABLE, SHRTABLE updates. For
the IPL of device address, the IPL simulator is loaded in the user's
storage. DMKVMIPL ---USer's page 0, set console address, IPL device address, VMBLOK flags IPL device type and class and user CAW. Read in 24 bytes from the
CTCA, reader, DASD or tape unit into the user's virtual location
zero. The CCW pointer is now set to the IPLCCW at virtual location X'8' and the program is loaded. For IPL STOP, the virtual machine is placed in console function mode to allow change to nucleus name and apparent storage size before
continuation. LO!J2!Q! IPL address is inserted in X'02' if BC .ode, or X'BA', if EC mode. The user's CAW and registers are restored and control is given to the
user by loading the current PSi at virtual location O. CP Method of Operation and Program Organization 1-211
DMKUSOLG is the result of user invoking LOGOFF. Set flags in VBBLOK indicating logout operation. D!KUSO, U5006 Retain lIne coamunication, if HOLD operand specified. DMKUSO, US008 address to not run the user. DMKUSOFF ---Set-VMBLOK flags. D!KTRCND ---Called to reset tracing. DMKPERT ---Called to reset tracing. DMKACOTM called to compute the connect time for the LOGOFF message. QMKQCNWT Write the message to the user. DMKSCHDL ---Called to alter user dispatch status. QMKCFP!H!, Reset the virtual machine. DMKV!CAN ---aelease or return V!CBLOKs if VMCF is active. D!KVATBC Release shadow tables (if any). Dequeue clock comparator request (if any). DMKBLDRL ---aelease segment tables, page and swap tables related to the user. DMKUSO, US094 Via DMKFRET return user V!BLOKs to free storage. DMKUSO, US093 ---par the-system operator, clear and reinitialize the VMBLOK. DMKFRET ---aeturn all other virtual aachine control blocks to free storage. D!KACOFF ---Punch an accounting card for the user. QMKUSO, Free LOGOFF message area. ·Exit to do free storage maintenance. Exit to DMKCFM or DMKDSPCH. DMKUSOFL is the result of the invoked FORCE coamand. DMKSCNAU -- Locate userid YMBLOK. DMKUSOFL ---Set-VMKILL in VMBLOK, build CPEXBLOK and stack it for dispatcher. QMKDSP£!! Upon CPEXBLOK execution, process as at LOGOFF entry DMKUSOFF. DMKUSODS from an invoked CP DISCONN coamand. Set disconnected VBDISCK in VMOSTAT. Send disconnect aessage to user. Increment return address to DMKCFM by " to prevent a return read to
the user's terainal. Clear VMTERM field to indicate the user
terminal is disconnected. Send message to systea operator informing him of user disconnect
status. Exit to DMKCFM. 1-212" IB! V!/370 System Logic and Problem Determination--Voluae 1
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