CONSOLE FUNCTION (CP COMMAND) PROCESSING Entry used when the ATTENTION key (or equivalent) is pressed once or
twice (according to the VM or CP status) to allow the user to direct
a line of input data for CP command processing. Set VMFCWAIT and VMCF bits in VMBLOK indicating wait state and console function mode. DMKFREE ----Builds an 18-doubleword CONBUF buffer for the read operation. DMKSCNFD the 8-byte co •• and
names, the truncations
abbreviations, starting at
name against the table of matching command of command names, and the allowable COKNBEGO. The format of the table entry
Field Command name
Class mask
Abbreviation count
Routine address Number of Bytes 2
2 " After a command match has been made, the privilege class of the
command is matched with the user's privilege class, VMCLEVEL in the VKELOK. The last four bytes of a command contain the address of the routine
that processes the command. See "CP Diagnostic Aids" for a list of all CP commands and the
associated processing modules. Read in the terminal input command line. DKKCFMAT data and ATTN key indication, post attention interrupt
pending in VDEVBLOK, VCUBLOK and VCHBLOK. Return to run the virtual
machine. On receipt of CP comMands ATTN or process the same as
previous entry, DKKCFM ---on-receipt of * (asterisk) return to DMKCFMBK to set up another read.
If console spooling is enabled, all console input and output
including comments are spooled for printer output. DMKCFKBE ---On-receipt of BEGIN, simulate the start button on the virtual machine (If optional address is supplied with BEGIN command the supplied
address is substituted for the location counter address). DMKCVTHB ---Convert this address to binary notation. DMKCFMSL ---On-receipt of the SLEEP command or SLEEP with time value (simulation
of virtual machine stop button depression) the VMBLOKs VMSLEEP bit is
set. The terminal console keyboard is now inactive until the user
hits an ATTENTION key or the SLEEP command times out. CP Method of Operation and Program Organization 1-213
DISPATCHING AND SCHEDULING DMKDSPA for fast reflection activity. If the user is no longer
runnable, or if the system is extending, the fast reflect path is not
continued and processing continues at the main dispatcher entry
point. DMKDSP, UPVIRT is running virtual timers, update and test the user's
virtual timers. If the user is still dispatchable, build the new RUNPSW from either IOOPSW or PROPSW and redispatch the virtual machine. DMKDSPB to dispatcher when the user's PSW has been external to DMKDSP. DMKDSP, CKPSW ---verifY-the PSW change. DMKDSP, CKPEND ---Unstack-any pending interrupts for the user (if enabled). DMKDSPCH -Noriil dispatch entry after each interrupt handler has finished
processing, and after each CPEXBLOK, I/O request and external
interrupt has been serviced. DMKDSP, RUNTIME ---rf-CPSTATOS- indicates return from running a user (CPRUN on), first
ensure that supervisor time is being charged to RUNUSER. Check the
user for time-slice end or queue-slice end, store the time remaining
in the time-slice, and update processor problem state time. Also
update virtual timers if running. DMKDSP, WAITIME ----If-CPSTATOS-indicates return from wait (CPWAIT on), first ensure that
supervisor time is being charged to the system. Determine the type of
wait (I/O wait, page wait, or idle wait) and save the appropriate new
wait time value. DMKDSP, UNSTACK ---Por nonrunnable virtual machine, go to label CHKILL in DMKDSP. DMKDSP, UN STACK runnible user, check pending interruptions for the following: £KPENQ Per interruption (VMPERPND) Pseudo page faults (VMPGPND) External interruptions (VMPXINT) Q!2TIQ I/O interruptions (VMIOIBT) I/O interruptions are reflected by swapping user PSWs and storing
the unit address and sta tus in low storage. Clear the pending bits in the VMBLOK. 1-214 IBM VM/310 System Logic and Problem Determination--Volu.e 1
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