Systems Reference Library
IBM2703 Transmission Control Component Description
This publication provides a detailed description of the c"apabil
ities, features, and communication facilities required for the
IBM2703 Transmission Control Unit. The capabilities of the
unit are grouped by: start-stop capabilities; and binary
synchronous capabilities. All items of a general nature are
discussed in the section, "Detailed Description of Operations." The operator's controls and a detailed description of the
communication facilities to which the2703 can be attached are
contained in the Appendix. For a complete listing of all SRL
publications available in the IBMSystem/360 library, including
abstracts, consult the IBMSystem/360 Bibliography,
Form GA22-6822.
This publication provides a detailed description of the c"apabil
ities, features, and communication facilities required for the
unit are grouped by: start-stop capabilities; and binary
synchronous capabilities. All items of a general nature are
discussed in the section, "Detailed Description of Operations.
communication facilities to which the
contained in the Appendix. For a complete listing of all SRL
publications available in the IBM
abstracts, consult the IBM
Form GA22-6822.