following the last index character. Additional
characters are requested when required. The
old index character is destroyed.
When theCSW receives the Status Modifier signal,
the Poll command should then chain to either a Read
or a Search command (depending on whether operating
as point-to-point or multipoint). The first character
received during the Read or Search command execu
tion is the last index character sent out from main
storage in the previous Poll. After the index
character has been transferred to main storage, the
SF immediately sends to main storage the data
received via the communications line. If the Time
out sense bit had been set during the Poll command
execution, the SF ends the command chained to Read
or Search with Channel End, Device End, andUnit Check status and with the Timeout sense bit set to
EFFECTOF HALT I/O INSTRUCTION AND ZERO BYTE COUNT All the commands implemented by the Synchronous
Base employ a command structure as follows:
CommandCode 7 8
Data Address
31Count 32 33 3435 36 37 3940 4748 63
A complete discussion of each of the fields within
a channel-commandwt>rd (CCW) is included in the
publication, IBMSystem/360, Principles of Operation, Form A22-6821.
When the byte count in the current CCW is
decremented to zero, and data chaining is not speci
fied (bit 32 set to zero), a condition known as
interface stop occurs in the event additional bytes
are requested. This condition signals the2703 that
no additional bytes are to be transferred between
main storage and the2703. Various actions take place, depending on the
command being executed, as follows:
Set Mode
Command ends when stop is
signaled. If no error or unusual
condition occurred during execu-
tion, the ending status is Channel
End andDc\' ice End status (CSW bits 36 and 37).
Stop indicates the last dialing
digit has been transferred.
After the last dialing digit has
been transferred to common
carrier dial equipment, the Auto
call featurc will wait for a signal
from the data set indicating that
the connection to the remote
station has been established.
Command ends with Channel End
and Device End status(CS\V bits
36and 37). If the call cannot be answered
at the remote station, the Dial
command ends withChannel End,
Device End, and Unit Check
status(CSW bits 36, 37, and 38)
and the Timeout sense bit (bit 7)
set to one.
The Interface Stop signal causes
the command to immediately
cease transferring data to the
cham1el. TheUnit Check status (CSW bit 38) and the Lost Data
bit (sense-bit 6) are set to one.
Since any data that has been read
but not transferred to main
storage will not be transferred,
part of the received data will
always be lost as a result of an
Inte rfaceStop signal. Stop signal indicates the last
character has been transferred
under the current command. TheSF sends any characters it has
buffered to the line and ends with
Channel End and Device End status
(CSW bits 36 and 37). TheSF goes into receive mode after
transmitting the last character.
If theSF was operating in trans
parent mode, it will continue intransparent synchronism by
sending transparent sync idle s
until another Write command is
issued. This new Write is used
to transmit the end-of
transparent-block (DLE ETB) or
end-of-transparent-text (DLE
ETX) sequence.
characters are requested when required. The
old index character is destroyed.
When the
the Poll command should then chain to either a Read
or a Search command (depending on whether operating
as point-to-point or multipoint). The first character
received during the Read or Search command execu
tion is the last index character sent out from main
storage in the previous Poll. After the index
character has been transferred to main storage, the
SF immediately sends to main storage the data
received via the communications line. If the Time
out sense bit had been set during the Poll command
execution, the SF ends the command chained to Read
or Search with Channel End, Device End, and
Base employ a command structure as follows:
Data Address
A complete discussion of each of the fields within
a channel-command
publication, IBM
When the byte count in the current CCW is
decremented to zero, and data chaining is not speci
fied (bit 32 set to zero), a condition known as
interface stop occurs in the event additional bytes
are requested. This condition signals the
no additional bytes are to be transferred between
main storage and the
command being executed, as follows:
Set Mode
Command ends when stop is
signaled. If no error or unusual
condition occurred during execu-
tion, the ending status is Channel
End and
Stop indicates the last dialing
digit has been transferred.
After the last dialing digit has
been transferred to common
carrier dial equipment, the Auto
call featurc will wait for a signal
from the data set indicating that
the connection to the remote
station has been established.
Command ends with Channel End
and Device End status
at the remote station, the Dial
command ends with
Device End, and Unit Check
and the Timeout sense bit (bit 7)
set to one.
The Interface Stop signal causes
the command to immediately
cease transferring data to the
cham1el. The
bit (sense-bit 6) are set to one.
Since any data that has been read
but not transferred to main
storage will not be transferred,
part of the received data will
always be lost as a result of an
Inte rface
character has been transferred
under the current command. The
buffered to the line and ends with
Channel End and Device End status
(CSW bits 36 and 37). The
transmitting the last character.
If the
parent mode, it will continue in
sending transparent sync idle s
until another Write command is
issued. This new Write is used
to transmit the end-of
transparent-block (DLE ETB) or
end-of-transparent-text (DLE
ETX) sequence.