A Read command should be command chained to
thePrepare command in order to transmit any
ensuing data to main storage. AnySYN characters
assembled by the 2703 are not transferred to main
The Prepare command should not normally be used
in switched-network operation, because no are performed to protect the system against hang-up. Write This command is used to transfer information from
main storage to the remote station. The length of
the information, in bytes, is determined by the
Write01 Data Address
o 78
323940 4748
count field of theCCW each time the Write command
is issued. A character of marks, a single"pad!! (all ones), and two SYN characters (except in trans
parent mode) will be presented to the communications
line prior to the first character. If the Synchronous
Clock feature is installed, sixSYN characters are
presented before the first character. All data or
control characters that are transm itted to the com
munications line mustue originated in main storage
(except DLE andSYN when used as time-fill). The Write command will end as a result of any of the
following cond itions:
a. An ETX or ETB control character is detected
in the data stream (except in transparent
b. The 2703 detects common-carrier-equipment
c. Count field inWrite CCW is decremented to
At the end of theWrite command, a single pad
character is automatically sent after the last
character of block-check character (bcc) to ensure
that the data set will have time to transmit the last
character before data-set turnaround.PROGRAMMING NOTE: All Write commands will normally have
bit 33 set to one for command chaining to a Read command to
prevent loss of data. An exception to thisre,!uirement is when
the Write command is used for sendingEOT to a remote station.
This command is used to transfer characters from
a BSC-equipped remote station to main storage.
For characters to be transferred to main storage,
ccw02, fl' f2' f3 I 02 I Data Address
o 78
323940 4748
thelin(: must be in ch8T8.ctcr ph8.sC (i. e., must ha\'e
received two consecutiveSYN characters). On a
read operation, the bcc and allSYN characters are
deleted in the 2703 prior to' transfer to main storage.
The Read command will end with Chan-
ne 1 End and Device End status(CSW bits 36 and 37)
when any ETB, ETX, NAK, DLE (and associated
ending follower characters), or ENQ characters are
detected. If anEOT is detected, the Read command
will end with Channe 1 End, Device End, and Unit
Exception status(CSW bits 36, 37, and 39). To be
recognized as valid control characters, the turn
around charactersEOT, NAK, ENQ, and DLE
Stick must be followed by a valid pad character.
The Read command will end with Channel End,
Device End, and Unit Check status(CSW bits 36, 37,
and 38) should the following conditions occur:
Condition Sense bit set
Count decremented to zero 6
HaltI/O issued 6
Data check occurs 4
Overrun occurs 5
Common-carrier equipment 1
not operationalNOTE: Sense-bit 6 is also set to one if data is lost because the
Read command was late in being executed.
If the time interval between the sequences of
signalSYN's followed by a non-SYN character is
greater than three seconds, of if the time interval
between thc acceptance of the Read command and the
receipt of eithe rSOH or STX or an End character (any
of those mentioned) is greater than three seconds,
the command will be ended with Channel End, Device
End, and Unit Check status(CSW bits 36, 37, and
38) and the Timeout sense bit (bit 7) set to one.
ensuing data to main storage. Any
assembled by the 2703 are not transferred to main
The Prepare command should not normally be used
in switched-network operation, because no
main storage to the remote station. The length of
the information, in bytes, is determined by the
o 78
count field of the
is issued. A character of marks, a single
parent mode) will be presented to the communications
line prior to the first character. If the Synchronous
Clock feature is installed, six
presented before the first character. All data or
control characters that are transm itted to the com
munications line must
(except DLE and
following cond itions:
a. An ETX or ETB control character is detected
in the data stream (except in transparent
b. The 2703 detects common-carrier-equipment
c. Count field in
At the end of the
character is automatically sent after the last
character of block-check character (bcc) to ensure
that the data set will have time to transmit the last
character before data-set turnaround.
bit 33 set to one for command chaining to a Read command to
prevent loss of data. An exception to this
the Write command is used for sending
This command is used to transfer characters from
a BSC-equipped remote station to main storage.
For characters to be transferred to main storage,
o 78
received two consecutive
read operation, the bcc and all
deleted in the 2703 prior to' transfer to main storage.
The Read command will end
ne 1 End and Device End status
when any ETB, ETX, NAK, DLE (and associated
ending follower characters), or ENQ characters are
detected. If an
will end with Channe 1 End, Device End, and Unit
Exception status
recognized as valid control characters, the turn
around characters
Stick must be followed by a valid pad character.
The Read command will end with Channel End,
Device End, and Unit Check status
and 38) should the following conditions occur:
Condition Sense bit set
Count decremented to zero 6
Data check occurs 4
Overrun occurs 5
Common-carrier equipment 1
not operational
Read command was late in being executed.
If the time interval between the sequences of
greater than three seconds, of if the time interval
between thc acceptance of the Read command and the
receipt of eithe r
of those mentioned) is greater than three seconds,
the command will be ended with Channel End, Device
End, and Unit Check status
38) and the Timeout sense bit (bit 7) set to one.