If rno is issued before the group,
selection , or polling acc!ress is recognized, the ends immediately with r'hannel End, Device End, and unit Exception status (CSW bits 36,
37, and 39). Otherwise, the
operation is not affected. HIO causes the cessation of data
transfer to main storage. Unit Check status (CSW bit 38) and
Lost Data (sense-bit 6) are set
to one. The command ends
immediately. Part of the data
will be lost when the HIO is issued, Poll
Sense rno causes the command to end
immediately with Channel End
and Device End status (CSW bits
36 and 37). HIO should not be
used with the Poll command.
The HIO instruction has no effect
on the Disable command. HIO causes this command to
end immediately with Channel End and Device End status (CSW bits 36 and 37).
The operator's control panel (Figure 16) contains the
following indicators and switches. INDICATORS Power On ON when dc power is ON (combination light and
switch). On when a power-supply circuit breaker is tripped.
Thermal ON when any thermal unit is tripped (turns dc OFF). CE Test ON when CE Test switch is ON. Meter
Indicates elapsed running time of the unit. SWITCHES Power On This switch turns on dc power if the POWER CONTROL switch is in DRIVER DEGATE or LOCAL position.
Pwr Off if in Local
This switch turns off dc power if the POWER CONTROL switch is in DRIVER DEGATE or LOCAL position.
In OFF position, the 2703 unit goes off-line. Partition--CPU 1, CPU 2
These two switches are associated with the Two­
Processor Switch special feature. ON. This permits the associated CPU to be attached
to the 2703. (Refer to the Two-Processor Switch
special feature. ) APPENDIX A. OPERATOR'S CONTROL PANEL OFF. The associated CPU is partitioned (cut off)
from the 2703. METERING
The 2703 usage meter will run when:
1. The 2703 is on-line and the CPU is not in a
halt or wait state;
2. The CPU is ir! a halt or wait state but ehe 2703 is performing active work;
3. Any control unit on the same channel is per­
forming active work. "On-line" means that 2703 power is ON and the 2703 Meter switch is set to the ON position.
The 2703 is performing active work when any of
it s lines are under control of any command other than
the Enable or Prepare commands.
If the 2703 Meter switch is changed to the OFF position while the CPU is not in a halt or wait state,
the 2703 meter continues tC' run until the CPU is in
a halt or wait state and the 2703 is command free.
If the CPU is in a halt or wait state and the 2703 meter is running as a result of another control unit
on the same channel performing active work, chang­
ing the 2703 Meter switch to the OFF position causes
the 2703 meter to stop immedia'_ely.
Metering with the TPS Feature
The Two-Processor Switch (TPS) feature influences
the operation of the 2703 usage meter as follows:
1. The 2703 raises Metering In only when the 2703 is attached to one of the two channels.
2. The 2703 usage meter runs when the Metering Out line from the attached processor is raised.
Table IV defines the operation (.f the 2703 usage meter for the various partition situations.
This table assumes that for each situation
(partition-switch setting) that the necessary
conditions are present (i. e. , wait state,
command free). When the Partition switch is
positioned to OFF, the associated CPU is
partitioned (cut off).
3. The 2703 usage meter will also run when the TPS is neutral and the Metering Out lead from either
non-partitioned CPU is active.
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