IBM Line Set 1A--#4686 (eight two-wire mM Line
Adapters for up to 4.75 miles--for 2740/2741)
IBM Line Set 1B--#4687 (eight four-wire IDM Line Adapters for up to 4. 75 miles--for 2740/ 2741)
IBM Line Set 2--#4688 (eight two-wire IBM Line
Adapters for up to 8 miles--for 1030, 1050, 1060, 1070, 2740/2741)
Telegraph Line Set--#7897 (eight lines for leased
common-carrier private-line telegraph
service--for AT&T 83B2/83B3 and Western
Union Plan 115A terminals, or 1050 terminals)
Telegraph Line Set Expander--#7898 (eight
additional lines)
World Trade Telegraph Single Current Line Set-­ #2829 (eight simplex or half-duplex single­
current telegraph lines)
World Trade Telegraph Single Current Line Set Expander--#2830 (eight additional simplex
or half-duplex lines)
World Trade Telegraph Double Current Line
Set--#2831 (eight simplex or half-duplex
double current telegraph lines via IBM 3945
Model 11 Telegraph Line Termination (serial #200 or above)
World Trade Telep-raph Double Current Line Set Expander--#2832 (eight additional simplex or
half-duplex lines) Speed Options Line-Speed Option 45.5 bps--#4873 (common-carrier telegraph
service) 20 50 bps--#2334 (World Trade teleprinters)
56.9 bps--#4874 (common-carrier telegraph
74. 2 bps --#487 5 (common -carrier telegraph
75 bps--#4876 (1050 via telegraph channels
or World Trade teleprinters) 100· bps--#2835 (World Trade teleprinters) 110 bps--#4877 (common-carrier TWX) 134.5 bps--#4878 (1050, 1060, 1070, 2740/274] 600 bps--#4879 (1030, 1070) 2712 Attachment Features
2712 Attachment--#8043 (for Modell and/or 2)
2712 Model 1 Adapter--#8047 (for eight lines to
a 2712 Modell)
2712 Modell E:x-pander--#8048 (for two additional
2712 Model 2 Adapter--#8057 (for eight lines to a
2712 Model 2)
2712 Model 2 Expander--#8058 (for six additional
Synchronous Type Communications (BSC) Terminal-Control Features
Synchronous Terminal Control:
EBCDIC code--#7715 USASCII code--#7716 Six-Bit Transcode--#7717 Station Selection--#7473 (required for any BSC­ equipped 2703 using a leased line and operating
as a remote--tributary--station in a centralized
multipoint network)
Line-Base Features
Base Expansion--#1440 (permits use of the Synch­
ronous Attachment)
Synchronous Attachment--#7702 (permits attach­
ment of communications lines for synchronous
operation) Synchronous Base Type l.A--#7703 (up to 24 lines
for Synchronous Terminal Control using either
EBCDIC or USASCII) Synchronous Base Type 1B--#7704 (up to 16 lines
for Synchronous Terminal Control using Six­ Bit Transcode, EBCDIC, or USASCII) Synchronous Base Type 2A--#7706 (up to 12 lines
for Synchronous Terminal Control using EBCDIC or USASCII) Line-Set Features
Synchronous Line Set--#7710 (up to four lines of
voice-grade quality for synchronous operation) Synchronous Clock--#7705 (for attachment of
Western Electric Data Sets 202C1 or 202D1 or
World Trade Line Set--#2902 (for attacru'Ttent of
up to four synchronous lines controlling data
transfer between System/360 and synchronous
data devices, except with Japanese NTT
modems. For operation of Synchronous Line Set--#2902 on the Switched Telephone Network
in Sweden or United Kingdom, Attachment Fea­
ture #2975 is required for attachment of PTT
modems. ) Synchronous Line Set--#2974 (for attachment of
up to four synchronous lines controlling data
transfer over leased point-to-point telephone
facilities in Japan, operating with Japanese
NTT modems) Speed Option Synchronous Line Speed Option--#7711 (defines
the 1200 bps synchronous line speed for the
Synchronous Clock--#7705; for World Trade
operation, it defines sync hronous line speeds
of 600, 1200, or 2400 bps available with the Synchronous Clock--#7705) Synchronous Line Speed Option--#2933 (for World
Trade operation; it defines the 2000 bps
synchronous line speed available with the
Synchronous Clock--#7705)
Feature Limitations per 2703 Combinations of the following features may not exceed
a total assigned weight of nine per Start/Stop Base or
six per Synchronous Base. Due to this limitation,
three Start/Stop Base Type 1's may have to be ordered
with some configurations.
Feature Assigned Weight
Data Line Set (#3205) 1
Data Line Set Expander 0 (#3206) Telegraph Line Set (#7897) 1
Telegraph Line Set Expander 0 (#7898)
World Trade Telegraph Single 1
Current Line Set (#2829)
World Trade Telegraph Single 0 Current Line Set Expander (#2830) World-Trade Telegraph Double 1
Current Line Set (#2831)
World Trade Telegraph Double 0 Current Line Set Expander
IBM Line Set lA (#4686) 1
IBM Line Set 1B (#4687) 1
IBM Line Set 2 (#4688) 2
2712 Modell Adapter (#8047) 2
2712 Modell Expander (#8048) 0 2712 Model 2.Adapter (#8057) 2
2712 Model 2 Expander (#8058) 0 Synchronous Line Set (#7710) 1
Synchronous Clock (#7705) 1
Synchronous Line Set (#2902) 1
WTC except Japan
Synchronous Line Set (#2974)
1 20.1
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