This manual iswritten as a reference text and is intended to cover all the major facets of the IBM 270:1 from a hardwarc \'iewpoint. Further informa
tion pertainingspecifically to the IB:\I System/360 is contained in the 113),1 Principles of Operation manual, Form GA22-6821. Numerous pro
gramming publications describing the various tele
communications programs are also available. All
these publications are listed in theIBM System/360 Form GA22-6822. Third Edition (Septenlber 1970) This is a reprint of the Second Edition, incorporating changes released in the following
Technical Newsletters:
N27 -3027 (date d June 1968)
N27 -3029 (dated December 1968) 1\27-3038 (dated April 1969) 1'.,'27-3043 (dated July 1969) (dated February 9, 107()\ .J..,../f VJ
Changes are periodically made to the information herein; before using this publication
in connectionwith the operation of IB\1 systems or equipment, refer to the latest SRL Nevv·sletter for the editions that are applicable and current.
Requests for copies ofIB\i publication, should be made to your IB\f representative or to
theIB-'l branch offi ce serving your locality.
This manualbas been prepared by tbe IB\l Systems Development Division, Publications Center, Department lOI, P. 0, Box 12275, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina ;\ forn1 for reader's comrnents is provjded at the back of this publication. If
the form has beenremoved, comments may be sent to the above address. I
This manual is
tion pertaining
gramming publications describing the various tele
communications programs are also available. All
these publications are listed in the
Technical Newsletters:
N27 -
N27 -
Changes are periodically made to the information herein; before using this publication
in connection
Requests for copies of
This manual
the form has been