secondary, processor for 3270 1-201 start/stop terminal, processing of
1-197 SiC 1-74 tiaer 1-76
3704/3705, handling of 1-199
interval timer 1-38
inter-virtual machine communication 1-225 I/O alternate path 1-92
attached processor 1-179
coaponent states 1-89
control blocks
real 1-15,1-83
relationship 1-15,1-16
virtual 1-16
errors, unit record 1-148
for DASD 1-190 function DASD 1-56
general 1-58
general operation, initiated via DIAGNOSE 1-191
instruction simulation, for virtual
machine 1-191
interrupts 1-73,1-90 virtual 1--90 management 1-6,1-83
overhead in CP, reducing 1-27
paging privileged instructions 1-46,1-85
processing, local graphic 1-193
program for binary snychronous lines and
remote 3270s 1-99
program for binary synchronous lines and remote 3270s disable a line 1-100 enable a line 1-99
read initial 1-102 read interruption 1-103 read repeat 1-102 write continue 1-101 write ENQ 1-101 write initial 1-100 write reset 1-101 reconfiguration 1-125
scheduling 1-91
virtual 1-84
virtual selector channel 1-86
reserve/release 1-94
scheduler, paging 1-206 scheduling 1-195
scheduling for CP and the virtual aachine 1-190 supervisor 1-83 3270, request handler 1-201 lOB indicators, sumaary 1-166 IOBLOK, queuing 1-95 IPL of the virtual aachine 1-211 ISA! read sequence
locating 1-194
validating 1-194 label-to-module cross-reference, CP 1-300 loading
discontiguous saved segments 1-67
nucleus 1-208 3800 named system into virtual storage 1-70 local graphic
interrupt processing 1-193 I/O processing 1-193
locate ISA! read sequence 1-194
locked pages option 1-28
locking 1-173
global system lock 1-173
page of free storage 1-203 user-defined locks 1-174 V!BLOK lock 1-173 LOGREC area ! getting starting address 1-62
reading 1-62
machine check handler !CB (machine
check handler» machine check interrupt, processing of
machine states, virtual aachine 1-128
maintenance, virtual timer 1-81
allocation 1-105 commands, for spool files 1-147
free storage 1-17,1-120,1-201 I/O 1-83
of pages 1-203 real spooling 1-142
real storage 1-138
spool buffer 1-138
storage DASD 1-111
real 1-106 virtual 1-105 virtual spooling 1-139
virtual storage 1-138
Index 1-431
MCH (machine check handler) 1-149
attached processor 1-114
control registers 1-152
overview 1-150 recovery
functional 1-151
operator-initiated restart 1-151
system 1-151
system repair 1-151
subroutines 1-152
buffer error 1-151
initial analysis 1-153
main storage analysis 1-154
operator communication 1-155
recovery facility mode switching
soft recording 1-156
storage protect feature (SPF) analysis 1-154
termination 1-151
virtual user termination 1-155
uncorrectable errors 1-111 MICBLOK, assist control field, control of ECPS 1-409 mini IOBLOK 1-93
minidisks 1-6 mode, VS1 nonpaging 1-44 module entry points for CP commands 1-229,1-403 modules data areas 1-80,1-81 executable
pageable 1-81
resident 1-80 pageable
conventions 1-80 restrictions 1-80 system support 1-19
module-to-label cross-reference, CP 1-251 MONITOR interrupt processing 1-185 MSS support 1-423
annotated flow diagram generate channel program prefix for CMS I/O 1-425
generate channel program prefix for 3330V 1-425
logon user having a 3330V as a
dedicated 3330V 1-424
logon user with minidisk on unmounted
system volume 1-423
process attention interrupt from a 3330V 1-426
process DIAGNOSE code X'18' 1-424
process staging adapter cylinder
fault 1-425 DIAGNOSE instruction 1-11
multiprogramming, controlling 1-132 N non-I/O, privileged instruction 1-41
nucleus, loading of 1-208 o
obtaining a page of free storage 1-203 options
affinity 1-34
favored execution 1-30,1-135 locked pages 1-28
priority 1-32
reserved page frames 1-29,1-32 virtual=real 1-5,1-29,1-32,1-110 virtual machine 1-30 order seek queuing 1-95 OS lSI!, handling by D!KIS!TR 1-81
real spool files 1-142
virtual spool files 1-140 output files, virtual machine, closing of
overhead, CP, reducing for I/O 1-21 P page
exceptions, effects of 1-21
faults, pseudo, with VB/VS Handshaking
feature 1-43 frames 1-5
allocation in free storage 1-122
reserved 1-5,1-29 management 1-203 of free storage
locking 1-203 obtaining 1-203 returning 1-203 unlocking 1-203 request, processing of 1-203 selection 1-20 tables 1-5
shadow 1-118
virtual 1-118
virtual storage
locking 1-20,1-28 reading 1-204 releasing 1-53,1-201 writing 1-204 zero, restrictions 1-5
control program, executing 1-18 CP modules conventions 1-80 restrictions 1-80 executable modules 1-81
1-432 IBM VM/370 System Logic and Problem Determination Guide
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