paging 1-5
address translation 1-20 backing store allocation algorithm
1-115 by demand 1-5
considerations 1-27
cylinder selection 1-116
device selection 1-115
first-level storage 1-117 I/O 1-113 I/O request queuing algorithm 1-116 I/O scheduler 1-206 lock page 1-20 page selection 1-20,1-115
page selection routine support 1-116
replacement and selection algorithm <II 4411 1- I I It requests 1-105 second-level storage 1-117
shadow tables 1-5
subsystem 1-114
third-level storage 1-118
virtual storage, error recovery 1-116 password suppression 1-51
P12 program function key, defining function
of 1-65
performance 1-25
affinity 1-34
favored execution 1-30,1-135
locked pages 1-28
priority 1-32
reserved page frames 1-29,1-32
virtual=real 1-5,1-29,1-32,1-110
virtual machine 1-30 pointer list
fullwords in 1-411 ftICBLOK 1-411
virtual machine 1-411
preferred virtual machine 1-30 printer, real, spooling to 1-218 priority of execution
privilege classes 1-9
privileged instruction I/O 1-46,1-85
non-I/O 1-47
program interrupt 1-46
simulation 1-3,1-25 problem state, SVC interrupts 1-183
accounting records 1-144
spool files
real input 1-143
real output 1-142
virtual input 1-141
virtual output 1-140 virtual input 1-217
virtual output 1-216
attached, affinity 1-34
resources 1-11
retry quiet mode 1-156
retry recording mode 1-156 System/370, retry 1-151
utilization 1-11
interrupt 1-46
privileged instruction 1-46
processing 1-188
interruption 1-19
states 1-10 Program Status Word (program Status Word» programming, remote 3270 1-97 protection, fetch storage 1-78
pseudo timer 1-53 PSW (Program Status Word), validation
1-214 punch, real, spooling to 1-218
purging, discontiguous saved segment 1-68
queue 1, dispatching virtual machines from 1-11
queue 2, dispatching virtual machines from 1-11
queuing IOBLOK 1-95
order seek 1-95
quiet mode, processor retry 1-156
Q1 queue 1)
Q2 queue 2)
read header message, data format 1-104 read IIO program 1-102 read interruption, I/O program 1-103 read repeat, I/O program 1-102 read text message, data 1-104 reading, a D1SD page from virtual storage 1-204 real
address 1-24
attaching 1-125
spooling com.ands 1-146
input device, spooling to 1-219
spooling 1-22
real spooling manager (DftKBSP) 1-142
real storage
allocation 1-203 exa.ine 1-51 management 1-106,1-138 optimizing use of 1-5
page management 1-203 requests for page frames 1-108 Index 1-433
reconfiguration, I/O 1-125
record, error, writing 1-162
recording area
clearing 1-163 formatting 1-163
recording Jlode BCC 1-156
processor retry 1-156
recovery from system failure 1-149 MCH functional 1-151
operator-initiated restart 1-151 system 1-151 system repair 1-151
of closed checkpointed spool file 1-225 System/370 1-151
control registers used by MCH 1-152
ECC validity checking 1-152
processor retry 1-151
Recovery Manage.ent support RMS (Recovery Management support» reduction
of CP overhead, for virtual machine I/O 1-27
of paging activity 1-27
of SIO operation 1-26
reenterable code, usage 1-27
reflection for the dispatched user 1-214
releasing, virtual storage pages 1-53,1-207 relocation, virtual 1-117 remote 3270 binary synchronous line
enabling/disabling 1-201 error recovery 1-171,1-202
CCi format 1-98
data formats 1-103 I/O programs for 1-99
programming 1-97
request handler, 3270 I/O 1-201 request stack, CP 1-136
for real storage page frames 1-108 I/O scheduling 1-91
virtual 1-84 paging 1-105 RESERVE, operand 1-5
reserved page frames, performance option
reserve/release 1-94
resident, executable modules 1-80 resources, processor 1-11
restart, MCH, operator-initiated 1-151
restrictions, pageable CP aodules 1-79
return a page of free storage 1-203 RMS (Recovery Management support) S 1-149,1-220
channel check handler (CCD) 1-149
control register assignments 1-152
aachine check handler (MCH) 1-149 system initialization 1-150 saved systells
finding 1-69
verifying existence of 1-69
saving the 3704/3705 control program image 1-224
functions, other 1-216 I/O paging 1-206 scheduling 1-214
console 1-198
interrupt handling 1-195 I/O 1-91,1-190,1-195 support routines 1-136
users for execution 1-215
virtual machines 1-128
exa.ples 1-130 second-level storage 1-117 seg.ent, shared segment)
seg.ent table 1-5,1-118
shadow 1-118
virtual 1-118
selector channel, virtual, I/O requests
shadow table 1-5,1-118
invalidation 1-119
shared reserve/release 1-94
shared segment attached processor 1-180 storage managellent 1-206 shutdown, normal 1-210 simulation privileged instruction 1-3,1-25
virtual console 1-96
control routine 1-97
invalid operation 1-97
read routine 1-96
sense operation 1-97
TIC operation 1-97
write routine 1-97
single-instruction !lode 1-9 SIO start I/O (SIO) instruction)
virtual 1-84 SMSG special message facility 1-41
usage 1-42
soft error, recovery 1-117 space, allocation, DASD 1-139
1-434 IBM VM/370 System Logic and Problem Determination Guide
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