the same technique for emulated 1/2 inch tapes reel drives as well.

Parameters are appended in succession. In all cases, if the same parameter is co-
ded more than once, the last instance takes precedence. Therefore it is possible to
specify a set of parameters in the base configuration file, another on an “*” line and
another for each individual line in the list of files. Parameters are then appended in
that order. A SCSI tape device should not be given in a file list.

The remaining parameters are described in section

6.8.6 (“Common parameters for AWS, HET and
FakeTape virtual files”). Examples

Example 1:

Define a 3490 tape device on device address 0580. The tape device is an Fake Tape virtual file named
"R0528A.FKT" located in path "/S390/TAPES/".

0580 3490 /S390/TAPES/R0528A.FKT

Example 2:

Define a 3490 tape device on device address 0580. The tape device is an Fake Tape virtual file named
"R0528A.FKT" located in path "/S390/TAPES/". Mount the tape as read-only and present a device end if
intervention is required during tape motion.

0580 3490 /S390/TAPES/R0528A.FKT NORING DEONIRQ=1

6.8.6 Common parameters for AWS, HET and Fake Tape virtual files


This specifies the maximum number of bytes for the emulated file. The value is
either n bytes or nx where x specifies the multiplier K, M, G, or T (see

Table 10
at the end of this section for details). Specifying zero for this parameter means
“unlimited” (there is no limit on the file size). MAXSIZE defaults to “0”.


This is the same as MAXSIZE=, but specified in Kilobytes.


This is the same as MAXSIZE=, but specified in Megabytes.


Specifies the number of bytes remaining (before reaching MAXSIZEx) at which
point the tape device will signal the presence of the “End-of-Tape” marker (re-
flector), thus allowing the program to switch to the next tape. The value is either
n bytes or nx where x specifies the multiplier K, M, G, or T (see

Table 10 at the
end of this section for details).


Specifies whether the tape is mounted read-only (without a write ring or with the
cartridge protect switch set to "write protect"). A parameter of 1 means read-
only; a parameter of 0 means read-write. If READONLY=1, RO or NORING is
not specified; READONLY=0 is the default. Note that READONLY=0 does not
override the host system file permission settings for the underlying AWS or HET
file. If the AWS or HET file is marked read-only, the tape will be mounted read-
only despite specification of READONLY=0.


Specifies that the tape is mounted read-only (without a write ring or with the car-
tridge protect switch set to "write protect"). RO and NORING are equivalent to


This is the same as RO.


Specifies that the tape should be mounted read-write, if possible. RW and RING
are equivalent to READONLY=0. This is the default if READONLY=1, RO or NO-
RING is not specified. Note that RW and RING do not override the host system
file permission settings for the underlying AWS or HET file. If the AWS or HET
file is marked read-only, the tape will be mounted read-only despite specification
of RW or RING.


This is the same as RW.


Specifies whether a device end is presented if intervention is required during
tape motion. A parameter of 1 selects this option; a parameter of 0 turns it off.


Indicates that support for guest-initiated automatic tape volume mounting is to
always be disabled for this tape device. Automatic guest tape-mount support is
automatically globally enabled for all virtual (non-SCSI) tape devices by default
whenever an allowable automount directory is defined via the AUTOMOUNT
system parameter or the automount console command. The NOAUTOMOUNT
option allows you to specifically disable such support for a given device.

The automount feature enables software running in guest operating systems to
automatically mount, unmount and/or query for themselves the host "virtual tape
volume" filename mounted on a tape drive, via the use of special CCW opcodes
(0x4B Set Diagnose and 0xE4 Sense ID) without any intervention on the part of
the Hercules operator. An example of such a program for DOS/VSE called
TMOUNT is provided in the util subdirectory of the distributed source code.

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