Figure 4: Hercules device and status panel

7.2 Web browser interface

It is not necessary to work directly on the PC where Hercules is running to enter the console commands.
Instead of using the hardware management console on the Hercules server itself it is possible to work
from a browser interface in a web browser.

The requirement to be able to work with the web browser interface is a running Hercules HTTP server.
The HTTP server is started through the HTTPPORT and HTTPROOT system parameter. For details on
configuring the HTTP server please see section "System Parameter Descriptions".

Once the HTTP server is started, the interface can be used from a web browser on any machine, that has
a network connection to the Hercules server. With this interface you can operate Hercules nearly in the
same way as you would do locally on the hardware management console.

The following picture shows the main panel of the web browser interface.

Figure 5: Hercules web browser interface

7.3 Using the keyboard

The usage of the keyboard in the Hercules hardware management console is distinguished between
normal cursor handling and extended cursor handling.

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