Device Type


Emulated by

3270, 3278

Local non-SNA 3270 display or

TN3270 client connection


Integrated 3270 (SYSG) console

TN3270 client connection

1052, 3215

Console printer-keyboards

Telnet client connection

1052-C, 3215-C

Integrated console printer-

Integrated on Hercules console

1442, 2501, 3505

Card readers

Disk file(s), ASCII or EBCDIC


Card punch

Disk file, ASCII or EBCDIC

1403, 3211

Line printers

Disk file, ASCII

3410, 3420, 3422, 3430, 3480,
3490, 3590, 9347, 8809

Tape drives

Disk file, CD-ROM or SCSI tape


Channel-to-Channel Adapter

“CTCT” driver

(( CTCI ))

Channel-to-Channel link to host
TCP/IP stack

“CTCI” TUN/TAP driver

(( LCS ))

IBM 2216 router,
IBM 3172 running ICP,
IBM 8232 LCS device,
LCS3172 driver of a P/390,
IBM Open Systems Adapter

“LCS” (LAN channel station)

TUN/TAP driver


OSA Express IP Layer 2 support
only. Supported only for Linux
guests. TAP adapter must be
bridged to a local LAN

“QETH” (OSA/QDIO Ethernet

TUN/TAP driver

3310, 3370, 9313, 9332,
9335, 9336, 0671

FBA direct access storage

Disk file

2305, 2311, 2314, 3330,
3340, 3350, 3375, 3380,
3390, 9345

CKD direct access storage

Disk file


Communication line

TCP socket

Table 2: Hercules Device Definitions

4.4 Coding Rules

There are only a few rules for creating configuration files. The file must be an ASCII text file. Blank lines,
or lines beginning with a hash (“#”) sign or an asterisk (“*”), are treated as comments and are not

The system parameters may appear in any order but must precede all device definitions. Each system
parameter must be specified on a separate line.

The device records may also appear in any order but must follow the system parameters. There must be
one device definition for each I/O device or for each group of identical I/O devices.

4.5 Record Format

The following sections describe the format of the Hercules configuration file records. The format is slightly
different between system parameters and device definitions.

4.5.1 Format of the system parameters

The record format of the system parameters is as follows:

system-parameter argument


system-parameter is the name of the system parameter.

argument is the value assigned to the system parameter.




HTTP ROOT /usr/local/share/hercules/


4.5.2 Format of the device definitions

The format of device definition is as follows:

devnum(s) devtype [argument(s)]


devnum(s) is either: a single devnum (see details below), a range of devnums separated by a dash (“-“),
a count of devnums seperated by a dot (“.”), or a comma (“,”) separated list of devnums.

Examples include:

0200-0210 0300.10
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