8.51 DEVINIT (Reinitialize device)

8.51.1 Function

The DEVINIT command can be used to reopen an existing device. The arguments (if any) override the
arguments specified in the configuration file for this device. If no arguments (beneath the device number)
are given, then the DEVINIT command will reinitialise the device with the same arguments that were pre-
viously specified. The device type cannot be changed and must not be specified.

This command can be used to rewind a tape, to mount a new tape or disk image file on an existing de-
vice, to load a new card deck into a reader, or to close and reopen a printer or punch device.

8.51.2 Syntax


[argument [argument ...




8.51.3 Parameter


The device number of the device to be reinitialized.


Any arguments that are acceptable for the kind of device being reinitalized.

8.51.4 Examples

Example 1:

Initialize a tape device.

HHC00013I Herc command: 'devinit 0480 D:/MVS/TAPE/RPF142.HET compress=1 method=1 level=4'

HHC00221I 0:0480 Tape file 'D:/MVS/TAPE/RPF142.HET', type 'het': format type 'HET file'

HHC00222I 0:0480 Tape file 'D:/MVS/TAPE/RPF142.HET', type 'het': option 'compress' accepted

HHC00222I 0:0480 Tape file 'D:/MVS/TAPE/RPF142.HET', type 'het': option 'method' accepted

HHC00222I 0:0480 Tape file 'D:/MVS/TAPE/RPF142.HET', type 'het': option 'level' accepted

HHC02245I 0:0480 device initialized

Figure 105: DEVINIT command

8.52 DEVLIST (List device, device class or all devices)

8.52.1 Function

The DEVLIST command lists devices that are defined in the active Hercules configuration and displays
their current status. Depending on the given argument DEVLIST shows information about one device only
(when devnum is specified) or about all devices of a certain device class (when devclass is specified).
Without an argument DEVLIST displays information about all defined devices.

8.52.2 Syntax




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8.52.3 Parameter


This specifies the device number of the device for which the status has to be


This specifies the device class for which DEVLIST has to display the status

Valid device classes are:

CON (Console devices)

CTCA (Channel-to-channel adapter)

DASD (Disk devices)

DSP (Terminals)

LINE (Communication lines)

PCH (Card punch devices)

PRT (Printer devices)

QETH (QETH devices)

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