8.48 DEFSYM (Define a symbol)
8.48.1 Function
The DEFSYM command defines symbol ‘symbol’ as to contain value ‘value’. The symbol can then be the
object of a substitution for later panel commands. If the value contains blanks or spaces then it must be
enclosed within quotes or apostrophes. See chapter “Symbol Substitutions” for a more in-depth discus-
sion on this feature.
8.48.2 Syntax
symbol []]
symbol ¬¬¬§¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬«
8.48.3 Parameter
The name of a symbol. If no symbol name (and optionally a value) is given then all
previously defined symbols are listed.
The value that is assigned to the symbol. If the value is omitted then the previously
defined symbol is cleared, the symbol itself is not deleted.
8.48.4 Examples
Example 1:
List all defined symbols.
HHC00013I Herc command: 'defsym'
HHC02199I Symbol VERSION ''
HHC02199I Symbol BDATE 'Oct 12 2010'
HHC02199I Symbol BTIME '18:23:14'
HHC02199I Symbol HOSTOS 'Windows'
HHC02199I Symbol HOSTOSREL '6.1.7600'
HHC02199I Symbol HOSTOSVER 'NT '
HHC02199I Symbol HOSTARCH 'i686'