8.133 QUIT (Terminate the emulator)
8.133.1 Function
The QUIT command (see also the EXIT command) initiates the Hercules shutdown. It terminates all
threads, detaches all channels and devices and releases the configuration. Finally it terminates the
emulator. If the guest OS has enabled “Signal Shutdown” then a signal shutdown request is sent to the
guest OS and termination will begin after the guest OS has shutdown.
The QUIT command acts different depending on how Hercules was built. If Hercules was not compiled
with the option 'OPTION_SHUTDOWN_CONFIRMATION' then the command acts as described above.
If Hercules however was built with option 'OPTION_SHUTDOWN_CONFIRMATION' then the following
special processing for terminating the emulator takes place.
If QUIT is entered and the command level is not set to 'developer', 'debug' or 'all' then QUIT will first
check that all online CPUs are stopped. If any CPU is not in the stopped state message HHC00069I is
displayed indicating the number of CPUs still running.
Message HHC02266A follows that prompts for confirmation by entering a second QUIT command within
a certain time period (default 10 seconds) to start termination of the emulator. If the time period has ex-
pired then the process starts over. This is to prevent an inadvertent shutdown of Hercules while still a
guest OS is running.
The time period for the second QUIT command can be set to another value by using the 'QUITMOUT'
console command or system parameter.
If all processors are stopped or the command level is set to 'developer', 'debug' or 'all' then quit stops
Hercules immediately. 'QUIT FORCE' will also terminate the emulator immediately without any further
8.133.2 Syntax
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8.133.3 Parameter
Terminate the emulator immediately.