8.173 SYSCLEAR (SYSTEM CLEAR RESET manual operation)

8.173.1 Function

The SYSCLEAR command issues a SYSTEM CLEAR RESET manual operation. This is the same as the
SYSRESET CLEAR” command. It clears the main storage to x'00'. Additionally the general purpose re-
gisters, control registers, etc. are reset to their initial value. At this point the system is essentially in the
same state as it was just after having been started.

Please note that all CPUs must be stopped prior to issuing a system clear reset or the function will be re-
jected with a message.

8.173.2 Syntax




8.173.3 Parameter


8.173.4 Examples

Example 1:

CLEAR RESET the system.

HHC00013I Herc command: 'stopall'

HHC00013I Herc command: 'sysclear'

HHC02311I sysclear completed

Figure 308: SYSCLEAR command

8.174 SYSEPOCH (Set base date for TOD clock)

8.174.1 Function

The SYSEPOCH command specifies the base date for the TOD clock. Use the default value (1900) for all
systems except OS/360. Use 1960 for OS/360. Values other than these were formerly used to offset the
TOD clock by a number of years to move the date before the year 2000 for non-Y2K-compliant operating
systems. This use is deprecated and support will be removed in a future Hercules release after which
only values of 1900 or 1960 will be accepted.

8.174.2 Syntax


year [+years -years



¬¬¬ ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬«

year ¬¬¬§¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬«

+years ¬¬¬«


8.174.3 Parameter


Year 1900 is one of the two valid values for SYSEPOCH. 1900 is the default.


Year 1960 is the second of the two valid values for SYSEPOCH.


This is the base date for the TOD clock. The only supported values for SYSEPOCH
are currently 1900 and 1960. Any other value will produce a warning message
showing the equivalent values to specify in the SYSEPOCH statement. 1900 is the

+ years

Specifies an optional positive year offset. It will be treated as though it had been
specified using the YROFFSET statement.

- years

Specifies an optional negative year offset. It will be treated as though it had been
specified using the YROFFSET statement.

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