# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# CCKD DASD Devices

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

0130 2314 $(DASDPATH)/SORT00.CCKD

0131 2314 $(DASDPATH)/SORT01.CCKD

0132 2314 $(DASDPATH)/SORT02.CCKD

0133 2314 $(DASDPATH)/SORT03.CCKD

0134 2314 $(DASDPATH)/SORT04.CCKD

0135 2314 $(DASDPATH)/SORT05.CCKD

0140 3350 $(DASDPATH)/WORK00.CCKD

0141 3350 $(DASDPATH)/WORK01.CCKD

0142 3350 $(DASDPATH)/PRD000.CCKD



0160 3340 $(DASDPATH)/PAGE00.CCKD

0161 3340 $(DASDPATH)/PAGE01.CCKD

0240 3350 $(DASDPATH)/PUB000.CCKD

0248 3350 $(DASDPATH)/SYS000.CCKD



0348 3350 $(DASDPATH)/TST000.CCKD

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# TAPE Devices

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

0480 3420 *

0481 3420 *

# ==============================================================================================

# (EOF)

# ==============================================================================================

Figure 1: Sample Configuration File

4.7 Symbol Substitution

In configuration statements, as well as in console commands and OAT files, symbols may be substituted
for text. To substitute symbol symbol with its contents the symbol should be enclosed within parenthesis
or braces and preceded by a $ sign. For example, if symbol "foo" contains the text string "bar" then
"$(foo)" or "${foo}" will be substituted with the string "bar".

Symbols are defined using a DEFSYM configuration statement or a DEFSYM panel command or can be
operating system environment variables. There are several predefined symbols (see table below). To
resolve the symbol substitution a symbol with that name defined via DEFSYM is searched first. If none
can be found then a check is made to see if an environment variable with the same name exists.

If a symbol is not defined then an empty string will be substituted. By coding an additional default value
following an equal sign (“=”) or a colon-equal-sign (":=") the default value is substituted instead of an
empty string if the symbol is not defined.

Note that the default value is a literal string and no substitution is applied to it. Thus attempting to use the
syntax "${foo=${bar}}" will not yield the expected results. It will not be substituted with the currently de-
fined value of the "bar" environment variable, but rather by the literal string "${bar" followed immediately
by the literal character '}'.

Symbols created with DEFSYM or environment variables can also be used as part of panel commands.
For example the command "cd $(TAPEDIR)" will change the current directory to the resolved string for
the symbol TAPEDIR.

It is important to note that symbol names, potentially being the names of environment variables, are sub-
ject to whatever case sensitivity the host operating system happens to enforce or allow. Under Windows
environment variables are not case sensitive, whereas on other operating systems they may be. Thus
"$(FOO)", "$(foo)" or "$(Foo)" all cause the same value to be substituted on Windows, whereas they
could be substituted with completely different values under a case sensitive operating system.

4.7.1 Syntax






Êʬ¬¬ $ ¬¬¬§¬¬¬ ( ¬¬¬§¬¬¬ symbol ¬¬¬§¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬§¬¬¬§¬¬¬ ) ¬¬¬§¬¬¬¬¬¬ÊÍ



4.7.2 Parameter


This is the name of the symbol.


This is the default value that takes place if the symbol is not defined.

4.7.3 Special symbols Predefined symbols

The symbols according to the following table are predefined and can be used without defining the symbol
through a corresponding DEFSYM configuration statement or panel command.

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