8.76 I (Generate I/O attention interrupt for device)

8.76.1 Function

The I command generates an I/O attention interrupt for a certain device.

8.76.2 Syntax




8.76.3 Parameter


The number of the device for which an I/O attention interrupt will be generated.

8.76.4 Examples

Example 1:

Generate an I/O attention interrupt for device 0148.

HHC00013I Herc command: 'i 000f'

HHC02230I 0:000F attention request raised

Figure 157: I command

8.77 ICOUNT (Display individual instruction counts)

8.77.1 Function

The ICOUNT command displays statistic information about how often every single machine instruction
has been executed so far. By default the list sorted by the instruction code. An additional SORT option
displays the instructions sorted by the usage count and percentage of usage

The command is only available if Hercules is built with the “OPTION_INSTRUCTION_COUNTING”
option. This option is not activated by default because ICOUNT is a debugging command.

8.77.2 Syntax




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8.77.3 Parameter


Displays the instructions sorted by the usage count and percentage of usage.


Clears the counters and start counting from zero.

8.77.4 Examples

Example 1:

Display the individual instruction counts.

HHC00013I Herc command: 'icount'

HHC02292I Instruction count display:

HHC02292I Inst '04' count 32688

HHC02292I Inst '05' count 3695113

HHC02292I Inst '06' count 1211081

HHC02292I Inst '07' count 5523916

HHC02292I Inst '08' count 30274

HHC02292I Inst '09' count 46739

HHC02292I Inst '0A' count 95360

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