6.5 Card Reader Devices

6.5.1 Function

The card reader device statements are used to define card readers to the Hercules configuration. The
argument specifies a list of file names containing card images. Additional arguments can be defined after
the file names.

6.5.2 Syntax


filename [filename ... ]



Êʬ¬¬ ¬¬¬ filename ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬Ê



6.5.3 Parameter


This is the device address.


This is the device type. Valid card reader types are 1442, 2501, 3505.


The name (and optionally the path) of the card reader file.


Indicates that the card reader is a socket device, wherein the filename is actually a
socket specification instead of a device filename. When used, there must be only
one filename specified in the form “port”, “host:port” or “sockpath/sockname”. The
device then accepts remote connections on the given TCP/IP port or Unix domain
socket and reads data from the socket instead from a device file. This allows auto-
matic remote submission of card reader data.

See chapter

15 ("Submitting Jobs via the Socket Reader") for more details.


EOF specifies that unit exception status is presented after reading the last card in
the file. This option is persistent and will remain in effect until the reader is reinitia-
lized with the INTRQ option.


INTRQ specifies that unit check status with intervention required sense bytes is
presented after reading the last card in the file. This option is persistent and will
remain in effect until the reader is reinitialized with the EOF option.


Specifies, when multiple files are entered, to automatically open the next input file
and continue reading whenever EOF is encountered on a given file. If not specified
reading stops once EOF is reached on a given file and an attention interrupt is re-
quired to open and begin reading the next file.


Specifies that the file contains fixed length 80-byte EBCDIC records with no line-
end delimiters.


Specifies that the file contains variable length lines of ASCII characters delimited by
LF (line feed) or CRLF (carriage return line feed) sequences at the end of each line.

If neither EBCDIC nor ASCII is coded then the device handler attempts to detect
the format of the card image file when the device is first accessed. Auto-detection is
not supported for socket devices and the default is ASCII if SOCKDEV is specified.


With ASCII files, TRUNC defines, that lines longer than 80 characters are truncated
instead of producing a unit check error.


With EBCDIC files, AUTOPAD defines, that the file is automatically padded to a
multiple of 80 bytes if necessary.

6.5.4 Examples

Example 1:

Define a 3505 card reader device on device address 000C. The name and path of the card reader file is
"D:/JCL/DUMMY.JCL". A unit exception status has to be presented after reading the last card in the file.


Example 2:

Define a 1442 card reader device on device address 000C. The name and path of the card reader file is
"D:/JCL/JCL.TXT". The file contains fixed length 80-byte EBCDIC records, automatically padded to a mul-
tiple of 80 bytes if necessary. A unit check status with intervention required sense bytes has to be presen-
ted after reading the last card in the file.


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