7.4 Log formats

The appearance of the log in terms of prefixing the messages is dependent on the used environment. The
most flexible ways of prefixing the messages is given when running Hercules using the WinGUI. Running
Hercules with the native console gives only limited options. The following table show an overview of the
log options, depending on the Hercules version used.

Message Prefix

Native Hercules Console

Hercules with WinGUI







Process ID



Prefix(es) visible on console



Prefix(es) visible on hardcopy log



Table 15: Message prefix overview

Most of the console command examples in this book are made without the WinGUI and with LOGOPT set
to NOTIMESTAMP as described below. This is to ensure that the sample output from the commands fits
into the text boxes in this book.

7.4.1 Hercules Console

Using Hercules under Linux, Mac OS or Windows (without WinGUI) lets you prefix the console messages
with a timestamp. The difference between these options is shown in the next figure.

Switching the option can be done with the ‘logopt’ console command or can be set at startup time through
the ‘logopt’ system parameter.

Please note that the console itself does not show the timestamp, independent of the ‘logopt’ settings.
Only the hardcopy log does show the timestamp.




logopt notimestamp

HHCPN197I Log option set: NOTIMESTAMP


CPU0000: R0=0000000000000000 R1=0000000000000000

CPU0000: R2=0000000000000000 R3=0000000000000000

CPU0000: R4=0000000000000000 R5=0000000000000000

CPU0000: R6=0000000000000000 R7=0000000000000000

CPU0000: R8=0000000000000000 R9=0000000000000000

CPU0000: RA=0000000000000000 RB=0000000000000000

CPU0000: RC=0000000000000000 RD=0000000000000000

CPU0000: RE=0000000000000000 RF=0000000000000000




23:01:32 logopt timestamp

23:01:32 HHCPN197I Log option set: TIMESTAMP

23:01:36 gpr

23:01:36 CPU0000: R0=0000000000000000 R1=0000000000000000

23:01:36 CPU0000: R2=0000000000000000 R3=0000000000000000

23:01:36 CPU0000: R4=0000000000000000 R5=0000000000000000

23:01:36 CPU0000: R6=0000000000000000 R7=0000000000000000

23:01:36 CPU0000: R8=0000000000000000 R9=0000000000000000

23:01:36 CPU0000: RA=0000000000000000 RB=0000000000000000

23:01:36 CPU0000: RC=0000000000000000 RD=0000000000000000

23:01:36 CPU0000: RE=0000000000000000 RF=0000000000000000.




Figure 6: Message prefixing using the native Hercules console

7.4.2 Hercules console using the WinGUI

Using the WinGUI with the Windows version of Hercules gives you the possibility to prefix all messages
with the current date, the current time and the process ID. These prefixing options can be selected indi-
vidually in the “Format” tab of the "Advanced Logging Options", where they can be separately turned on
or off as showed in the next figure.

Figure 7: WinGUI Advanced Logging Options

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