Example 2:

Display a list of commands beginning with ‘cpu’ and matching the current command level.

HHC00013I Herc command: '? cpu*'


HHC01602I Command Description

HHC01602I ------- -----------------------------------------------

HHC01602I cpu *Define target cpu for panel display and commands

HHC01602I cpuidfmt Set format 0/1 STIDP generation

HHC01602I cpumodel Set CPU model number

HHC01602I cpuprio Set/Display cpuprio parameter

HHC01602I cpuserial Set CPU serial number

HHC01602I cpuverid Set CPU verion number


HHC01610I (*) More help available.

Figure 18: “? CPU*” command

Example 3:

Display additional help text for the MAINSIZE command.

HHC00013I Herc command: '? mainsize'


HHC01602I Command Description

HHC01602I ------- -----------------------------------------------

HHC01602I mainsize *Define/Display mainsize parameter


HHC01603I Format: mainsize [ mmmm | nnnS [ lOCK | unlOCK ] ]

HHC01603I mmmm - define main storage size mmmm Megabytes


HHC01603I nnnS - define main storage size nnn S where S is the multiplier

HHC01603I B = no multiplier

HHC01603I K = 2**10 (kilo/kibi)

HHC01603I M = 2**20 (mega/mebi)

HHC01603I G = 2**30 (giga/gibi)

HHC01603I T = 2**40 (tera/tebi)

HHC01603I P = 2**50 (peta/pebi)

HHC01603I E = 2**60 (exa/exbi)


HHC01603I lOCK - attempt to lock storage (pages lock by host OS)

HHC01603I unlOCK - leave storage unlocked (pagable by host OS)


HHC01603I (none) - display current mainsize value


HHC01603I Note: Multipliers 'T', 'P', and 'E' are not available on 32bit machines

Figure 19: “? MAINSIZE” command

8.9 AEA (Display AEA absolute-effective-address tables)

8.9.1 Function

Display the Hercules AEA tables. The AEA table is an address lookup accelerator which saves absolute
data addresses for further lookups to eliminate the calls to logical_to_main.This shortens the translation
path length.

8.9.2 Syntax




8.9.3 Parameter


8.9.4 Examples

Example 1:

Display the AEA tables

HHC00013I Herc command: 'aea'

HHC02282I aea mode DAT-Off

HHC02282I aea ar 0D 07 01 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

HHC02282I aea common 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

HHC02282I aea cr[1] 0000000000000000

HHC02282I cr[7] 0000000000000000

HHC02282I cr[13] 0000000000000000

HHC02282I cr[r] 00000000FFFFFFFF

HHC02282I alb[0] 0000000000000000

HHC02282I alb[1] 0000000000000000

HHC02282I alb[2] 0000000000000000

HHC02282I alb[3] 0000000000000000

HHC02282I alb[4] 0000000000000000

HHC02282I alb[5] 0000000000000000

HHC02282I alb[6] 0000000000000000

HHC02282I alb[7] 0000000000000000

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