8.27 CFALL (Configure all CPUs online or offline)

8.27.1 Function

The CFALL command is used to place all CPUs online or offline. If the CFALL command is issued without
a parameter, the actual status of all CPUs is displayed

8.27.2 Syntax



Êʬ¬¬ CFALL ¬¬¬§¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬§¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ÊÍ

8.27.3 Parameter


Place all CPUs online.


Place all CPUs offline.

8.27.4 Examples

Example 1:

Display the current status of all CPUs.

HHC00013I Herc command: 'cfall'

HHC17007I NumCPU = 04, NumVEC = 00, ReservedCPU = 00, MaxCPU = 04

HHC17008I Avgproc 001% 08; MIPS[ 2.44]; SIOS[ 2]

HHC17009I PROC CP00 - 003%; MIPS[ 0.43]; SIOS[ 0]

HHC17009I PROC CP01 - 001%; MIPS[ 0.13]; SIOS[ 2]

HHC17009I PROC CP02 - 001%; MIPS[ 0.10]; SIOS[ 0]

HHC17009I PROC CP03 - 000%; MIPS[ 0.09]; SIOS[ 0]

HHC17010I - Started : Stopping * Stopped

Figure 56: CFALL command (display status of all CPUs)

Example 2:

Configure all CPUs offline.

HHC00013I Herc command: 'cfall off'

HHC00811I Processor CP00: architecture mode 'ESA/390'

HHC00101I Thread id 00000450, prio 15, name 'Processor CP00' ended

HHC00101I Thread id 0000035C, prio 0, name 'Processor CP01' ended

HHC00101I Thread id 000010C4, prio 0, name 'Processor CP02' ended

HHC00101I Thread id 000013E4, prio 0, name 'Processor CP03' ended

HHC00101I Thread id 00000D78, prio 0, name 'Processor CP04' ended

HHC00101I Thread id 00000510, prio 0, name 'Processor CP05' ended

HHC00101I Thread id 000006F8, prio 0, name 'Processor CP06' ended

HHC00101I Thread id 00000C64, prio 0, name 'Processor CP07' ended

HHC00101I Thread id 0000137C, prio 0, name 'Timer' ended

Figure 57: CFALL command (configure all CPUs offline)

Example 3:

Configure all CPUs online.

HHC00013I Herc command: 'cfall on'

HHC00100I Thread id 000001DC, prio 0, name 'Processor CP00' started

HHC00811I Processor CP00: architecture mode 'ESA/390'

HHC00100I Thread id 00001370, prio 0, name 'Processor CP01' started

HHC00811I Processor CP01: architecture mode 'ESA/390'

HHC00100I Thread id 00000DA0, prio 0, name 'Processor CP02' started

HHC00811I Processor CP02: architecture mode 'ESA/390'

HHC00100I Thread id 0000132C, prio -20, name 'Timer' started

HHC00100I Thread id 0000091C, prio 0, name 'Processor CP03' started

HHC00811I Processor CP03: architecture mode 'ESA/390'

HHC00100I Thread id 00000680, prio 0, name 'Processor CP04' started

HHC00811I Processor CP04: architecture mode 'ESA/390'

HHC00100I Thread id 000013C4, prio 0, name 'Processor CP05' started

HHC00811I Processor CP05: architecture mode 'ESA/390'

HHC00100I Thread id 000010AC, prio 0, name 'Processor CP06' started

HHC00811I Processor CP06: architecture mode 'ESA/390'

HHC00100I Thread id 00000950, prio 0, name 'Processor CP07' started

HHC00811I Processor CP07: architecture mode 'ESA/390'

Figure 58: CFALL command (configure all CPUs online)

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