8.30 CMDLVL (Display or set current command group)

8.30.1 Function

CMDLVL is an alias for CMDLEVEL. The CMDLVL command displays or sets the current command
group(s). See CMDLEVEL for details.

8.30.2 Syntax

See CMDLEVEL command.

8.30.3 Parameter

See CMDLEVEL command.

8.30.4 Examples

See CMDLEVEL command.

8.31 CMDSEP (Display or set current command line separator)

8.31.1 Function

The CMDSEP command displays or sets the command line separator. The command line separator cha-
racter is used to separate multiple panel commands on a single line. The default is OFF which means that
there is no command line separator defined and therefore multiple panel commands on a single line are
not supported.

8.31.2 Syntax




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8.31.3 Parameter


Specifies a single character that is used for command separation. This character
must not be the period ('.'), the exclamation mark ('!') or the hyphen ('-'). Although
the command line separation character can be set to the number (hash) sign ('#'),
this is not recommended because this could affect processing command lines that
contain comments.


OFF disables command separation. This is the default.

8.31.4 Examples

Example 1:

Set the current command separator to ';'.

HHC00013I Herc command: 'cmdsep'

HHC02203I Value 'cmdsep': 'Not set'

Figure 62: CMDSEP command (display the current command line separator)

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