8.31 CMDSEP (Display or set current command line separator)

8.31.1 Function

The CMDSEP command displays or sets the command line separator. The command line separator cha-
racter is used to separate multiple panel commands on a single line. The default is OFF which means that
there is no command line separator defined and therefore multiple panel commands on a single line are
not supported.

8.31.2 Syntax




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8.31.3 Parameter


Specifies a single character that is used for command separation. This character
must not be the period ('.'), the exclamation mark ('!') or the hyphen ('-'). Although
the command line separation character can be set to the number (hash) sign ('#'),
this is not recommended because this could affect processing command lines that
contain comments.


OFF disables command separation. This is the default.

8.31.4 Examples

Example 1:

Set the current command separator to ';'.

HHC00013I Herc command: 'cmdsep'

HHC02203I Value 'cmdsep': 'Not set'

Figure 62: CMDSEP command (display the current command line separator)

Example 2:

Set the current command separator to ';'.

HHC00013I Herc command: 'cmdsep ;'

HHC02204I Value 'cmdsep' set to ';'

Figure 63: CMDSEP command (set new command line separator)

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