8.59.4 Examples

Example 1:

Specify two engines of type CP, one engine of type IP and one engine of type AP.

HHC00013I Herc command: 'engines 2*cp,ip,ap'

HHC00827I Processor CP00: engine 00 type 0 set: 'CP'

HHC00827I Processor CP01: engine 01 type 0 set: 'CP'

HHC00827I Processor IP02: engine 02 type 5 set: 'IP'

HHC00827I Processor AP03: engine 03 type 2 set: 'AP'

Figure 123: ENGINES command

8.60 EXEC (Execute a REXX script)

8.60.1 Function

The EXEC console command executes a Rexx script. EXEC invokes Rexx within the Hercules process to
execute the Rexx script and commands will be executed synchronously within the Hercules process.

The EXEC command is only available if Hercules is built with Rexx support (see the Hercules “Installation
Guide” for details on how to activate Rexx support and the Hercules “General Information” manual for
more details about the Rexx support). Chapter

14 (“ REXX Support ”) in this manual contains additional in-
formation about using Rexx with Hercules.

8.60.2 Syntax


[ ] rexx [argument [argument ...]]


rexx ¬¬¬§¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬§¬¬¬¬ÊÍ



¬¬ ¬¬

¬¬ ¬
argument ¬¬

8.60.3 Parameter


Specifies command style for passing arguments to a Rexx script. ‘COMMAND’ may
be abbreviated as ‘COM’. If not specified then the argument passing style is deter-
mined by the Rexx mode settings (form the REXX system parameter or console


Specifies subroutine style for passing arguments to a Rexx script. ‘SUBROUTINE’
may be abbreviated as ‘SUB’. If not specified then the argument passing style is
determined by the Rexx mode settings (form the REXX system parameter or con-
sole command).


This is the name (and optionally the path) of a Rexx script.

If the name of the Rexx to be executed is given without a pathname, the script is
searched within the path that has been defined with the REXX command or the de-
fault path if no path has been set for the Rexx environment (see the REXX console
command for more details).

If a path is specified in the EXEC command, then the Rexx will not be searched in
the defined path of the Rexx environment.


These are the arguments (separated by spaces) to be passed to the Rexx script.

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