8.64 FCB (Display current FCB or load new FCB image)

8.64.1 Function

The FCB command is used to load a new FCB image or set the LPI (lines per inch) and LPP (lines per
page) settings for a given 1403 or 3211 printer. Without arguments the FCB command displays the
current settings for the printer.

To change settings, the printer must be stopped first ("STOP devaddr") and then started again ("START

8.64.2 Syntax


icenum lpilpp]




lpi lpi


8.64.3 Parameter


This is the device number of the printer for which the current settings have to be
listed or changed.


Specifies the number of lines per inch. The value of lpi must be 6 or 8.


Specifies the number of lines per page. The value of lpp must be numeric but is not
otherwise checked. Any number of lines per page is allowed.


FCB= specifies an new FCB image to use for the printer. The argument must be
given in the form l1:c1, ...,;l12:c12 where 'l' and 'c' are both numeric. The value of 'l'
is the line number and the value of 'c' is the assigned channel. There is a maxi-
mum of 12 'l:c' pairs allowed.

8.64.4 Examples

Example 1:

Display the current FCB for the printer with device address 000E.

HHC00013I Herc command: 'fcb 000e'

HHC02210I 0:000E lpi=6 index=0 lpp=66 fcb=1:1,7:2,13:3,19:4,...,43:8,49:10,55:11,61:12,63:9

Figure 129: FCB command (display current FCB)

Example 2:

Stop the printer with device address 000E. Set lines per inch to 6, lines per page to 66 and load a new
FCB image for the printer. Then start the printer again.

HHC00013I Herc command: 'stop 000e'

HHC02214I 0:000E device stopped

HHC00013I Herc command: 'fcb 000e lpi=6 lpp=66 fcb=1:1,6:2,12:3,18:4,...,48:9,54:10,60:11,66:12'

HHC02210I 0:000E lpi=6 index=0 lpp=66 fcb=1:1,6:2,12:3,18:4,...,48:9,54:10,60:11,66:12

HHC00013I Herc command: 'start 000e'

HHC02214I 0:000E device started

Figure 130: FCB command (load new FCB image)

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