8.94 LSDEP (List module dependencies)

8.94.1 Function

This function lists the Hercules module dependencies.

8.94.2 Syntax




8.94.3 Parameter


8.94.4 Examples

Example 1:

List the module dependencies.

HHC00013I Herc command: 'lsdep'

HHC01535I HDL: dependency 'HERCULES' version '' size 11

HHC01535I HDL: dependency 'REGS' version '3.03' size 47760

HHC01535I HDL: dependency 'DEVBLK' version '3.05' size 3360

HHC01535I HDL: dependency 'SYSBLK' version '4.00' size 49824

HHC01535I HDL: dependency 'WEBBLK' version '2.17' size 40

Figure 179: LSDEP command

8.95 LSMOD (List dynamic modules)

8.95.1 Function

The LSMOD command lists all the loaded Hercules dynamic modules and shows details for each module.

8.95.2 Syntax




8.95.3 Parameter


8.95.4 Examples

Example 1:

List the dynamic modules.

HHC00013I Herc command: 'lsmod'

HHC01531I HDL: dll type = load, name = s37x, flags = (unloadable, not forced)

HHC01531I HDL: dll type = load, name = hdt3088, flags = (unloadable, not forced)

HHC01532I HDL: symbol = debug_tt32_tracing, loadcount = 1, owner = hdt3088

HHC01532I HDL: symbol = debug_tt32_stats, loadcount = 1, owner = hdt3088

HHC01533I HDL: devtype(s) = CTCI-WIN VMNET CTCT CTCI 3088 LCS

HHC01531I HDL: dll type = load, name = hdt3420, flags = (unloadable, not forced)

HHC01533I HDL: devtype(s) = 9348 9347 8809 3590 3490 3480 3430 3422 3420 3411 3410

HHC01531I HDL: dll type = load, name = hdt3270, flags = (unloadable, not forced)

HHC01533I HDL: devtype(s) = SYSG 3287 3270 3215 1052

HHC01531I HDL: dll type = load, name = hdt1403, flags = (unloadable, not forced)

HHC01533I HDL: devtype(s) = 3211 1403

HHC01531I HDL: dll type = load, name = hdt3525, flags = (unloadable, not forced)

HHC01533I HDL: devtype(s) = 3525

HHC01531I HDL: dll type = load, name = hdt3505, flags = (unloadable, not forced)

HHC01533I HDL: devtype(s) = 3505 2501 1442

HHC01531I HDL: dll type = load, name = dyncrypt, flags = (unloadable, not forced)

HHC01532I HDL: symbol = z900_perform_cryptographic_key_management_operation, loadcount = 1, ...

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