Example 2:

Release all held messages.

HHC00013I Herc command: 'msghld clear'

HHC02226I Held messages cleared

Figure 200: MSGHLD command (release messages)

8.107 MSGLEVEL (Display or set the current message display output)

8.107.1 Function

The MSGLEVEL command displays the current setting of the message level or allows setting a new mes-
sage level. It decides how many and what kind of messages are written to the Hercules console (and to
the log). Given without an argument MSGLEVEL displays the current message level settings.

The message level is set per default to ‘terse’ which turns the verbose message level off. To display the
additional messages during configuration file processing Hercules can be started with the “-v” option
which sets the verbose message level. As an alternative, the MSGLEVEL system parameter can be set to
activate the verbose message level. In this case however, MSGLEVEL must be coded as one of the first
statements in the configuration file to take effect at an early stage during configuration file processing.

In addition to the ‘terse’ level the following options are set by default (if not otherwise overwritten through
the MSGLEVEL system parameter or console command): ‘nodebug’, ‘tape’, ‘dasd’, ‘comm’, ‘ur’, ‘scsi’,
‘ctca’, ‘graf’, ‘thread’ and ‘channel’.

Certain levels (on, off, text, time) can only be set if Hercules is built with one of the following build options:

8.107.2 Syntax


option opti

where option

[ -

[ -

[ -

[ -

[ -

[ -

[ -

[ -

[ -

[ -

[ -

[ -

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