8.177 T+ (Instruction trace on)

8.177.1 Function

This command turns on instruction tracing. A range can be specified as for the “T” command. Instruction
tracing is totally separate from the instruction stepping and breaking range.

After turning instruction tracing on, every instruction is listed with detailed trace information. The trace
information includes the executing CPU, the PSW, the executed instruction in hexadecimal and in dis-
assembled form as well as register hexadecimal displays of all involved register types.

This function is similar to the instruction stepping. The difference between these two function is that with
instruction stepping the execution of every instruction has to be initiated by hitting ENTER on the Hercu-
les console, whereas instruction tracing once started traces the instructions without interruption.

Please note that this function will create an enormous amount of output in the Hercules log. Running it on
a relatively current machine (3 GHz HT Processor) for 10 seconds creates more than 10 MB of trace

8.177.2 Syntax


T+ [addr-addr addr.length


Êʬ¬¬ T+ ¬¬¬§¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬§¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ÊÍ

¬¬ addr-addr ¬¬¬¬«


addr.length ¬¬¬«


8.177.3 Parameter


Specifies an address range with start and end address (from begin address to end


Specifies an address range with start and end address (from begin address to end


Specifies an address range with start and length (from begin address with the spe-
cified length).


No range is specified or an existing range is reset. The tracing is active for all

8.177.4 Examples

Example 1:

Turn instruction tracing on.

HHC00013I Herc command: 't+'

HHC02229I Instruction tracing on

HHC02267I CP00: PSW=0000014800000080 INST=05F0 BALR 15,0 branch_and_link_register

HHC02267I CP00: GR00=00000000 GR01=00000000 GR02=00000000 GR03=00000000

HHC02267I CP00: GR04=00000000 GR05=00000000 GR06=00000000 GR07=00000000

HHC02267I CP00: GR08=00000000 GR09=00000000 GR10=00000000 GR11=00000000

HHC02267I CP00: GR12=00000000 GR13=00000000 GR14=00000000 GR15=00000000

HHC02267I CP00: PSW=0000014800000082 INST=980E0010 LM 0,14,16(0) load_multiple

HHC02267I CP00: R:00000010:K:06=00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

HHC02267I CP00: GR00=00000000 GR01=00000000 GR02=00000000 GR03=00000000

HHC02267I CP00: GR04=00000000 GR05=00000000 GR06=00000000 GR07=00000000

HHC02267I CP00: GR08=00000000 GR09=00000000 GR10=00000000 GR11=00000000

HHC02267I CP00: GR12=00000000 GR13=00000000 GR14=00000000 GR15=40000082

HHC02267I CP00: PSW=0000014880000086 INST=41A0F05A LA 10,90(0,15) load_address

HHC02267I CP00: R:000000DC:K:06=41800100 41A0F08A 1B984700 F06E5890 ......0..q..0>..

HHC02267I CP00: GR00=00000000 GR01=00000000 GR02=00000000 GR03=00000000

HHC02267I CP00: GR04=00000000 GR05=00000000 GR06=00000000 GR07=00000000

HHC02267I CP00: GR08=00000000 GR09=00000000 GR10=00000000 GR11=00000000

HHC02267I CP00: GR12=00000000 GR13=00000000 GR14=00000000 GR15=40000082

HHC02267I CP00: PSW=000001488000008A INST=D200FC7D0008 MVC 3197(1,15),8(0) move_character

HHC02267I CP00: R:00000CFF:K:06=F1 E5D5C9D7 D458FFFF 76B3BD00 AAAAFF 1VNIPM.....]....

HHC02267I CP00: R:00000008:K:06=F1000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 1...............

HHC02267I CP00: GR00=00000000 GR01=00000000 GR02=00000000 GR03=00000000

HHC02267I CP00: GR04=00000000 GR05=00000000 GR06=00000000 GR07=00000000

HHC02267I CP00: GR08=00000000 GR09=00000000 GR10=000000DC GR11=00000000

HHC02267I CP00: GR12=00000000 GR13=00000000 GR14=00000000 GR15=40000082

HHC02267I CP00: PSW=00000148C0000090 INST=95000009 CLI 9(0),0 compare_logical_immediate

HHC02267I CP00: R:00000009:K:06=000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00 ................

HHC02267I CP00: GR00=00000000 GR01=00000000 GR02=00000000 GR03=00000000

HHC02267I CP00: GR04=00000000 GR05=00000000 GR06=00000000 GR07=00000000

HHC02267I CP00: GR08=00000000 GR09=00000000 GR10=000000DC GR11=00000000

HHC02267I CP00: GR12=00000000 GR13=00000000 GR14=00000000 GR15=40000082

HHC02267I CP00: PSW=0000014880000094 INST=4780F050 BC 8,80(0,15) branch_on_condition

HHC02267I CP00: R:000000D2:K:06=6800 FD2E2820 28402860 41800100 41A0 ....... .-......

HHC02267I CP00: GR00=00000000 GR01=00000000 GR02=00000000 GR03=00000000

HHC02267I CP00: GR04=00000000 GR05=00000000 GR06=00000000 GR07=00000000

HHC02267I CP00: GR08=00000000 GR09=00000000 GR10=000000DC GR11=00000000

HHC02267I CP00: GR12=00000000 GR13=00000000 GR14=00000000 GR15=40000082




Figure 315: T+ command

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