Example 2:

Alter control register number 15.

HHC00013I Herc command: 'cr 15=ffffffff'

HHC02271I Control registers

HHC02271I CP00: CR00=5FB1EE40 CR01=3FFFE07F CR02=3F149FC0 CR03=00000001

HHC02271I CP00: CR04=00010001 CR05=3FFE7040 CR06=FE000000 CR07=3FFFE07F

HHC02271I CP00: CR08=00000000 CR09=00000000 CR10=00000000 CR11=00000000

HHC02271I CP00: CR12=01984E80 CR13=3FFFE07F CR14=FF8BF15F CR15=FFFFFFFF

Figure 89: CR command (alter control register)

8.44 CSCRIPT (Cancel a running script thread)

8.44.1 Function

The CSCRIPT command cancels a currently running script or all scripts. If ‘*’ or ‘ALL’ is given as argu-
ment then all running scripts are cancelled. If no argument is given only the first running script is can-
celled. To cancel a specific script, then ‘id’ can be given as argument, where ‘id‘ is the ID number of the
script to be cancelled. The ‘SCRIPT’ command may be used to display a list of all currently running
scripts. If no script is running, no action is taken.

8.44.2 Syntax




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* ¬¬¬¬«

ALL ¬¬¬«


8.44.3 Parameter


The thread id of the script to be cancelled.

8.44.4 Examples

Example 1:

Cancel the first running script, given the case that currently five scripts (IDs 2,3,4,5,and 6) are running.

HHC00013I Herc command: 'cscript'

HHC02259E Script 2 aborted: 'user cancel request'

HHC00007I Previous message from function script_abort() at script.c[837]

HHC02265I Script 2: file 'D:/MVS/Conf/Script1.rc' aborted due to previous conditions

Figure 90: CSCRIPT command (cancel first script)

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