Example 2:

Cancel the script with the ID number 4 from the remaining four running scripts.

HHC00013I Herc command: 'cscript 4'

HHC02259E Script 4 aborted: 'user cancel request'

HHC00007I Previous message from function script_abort() at script.c[837]

HHC02265I Script 4: file 'D:/MVS/Conf/Script3.rc' aborted due to previous conditions

Figure 91: CSCRIPT command (cancel script with ID)

Example 3:

Cancel all still running scripts (with IDs 3,5 and 6).

HHC00013I Herc command: 'cscript all'

HHC02259E Script 3 aborted: 'user cancel request'

HHC00007I Previous message from function script_abort() at script.c[837]

HHC02265I Script 3: file 'D:/MVS/Conf/Script2.rc' aborted due to previous conditions

HHC02259E Script 5 aborted: 'user cancel request'

HHC00007I Previous message from function script_abort() at script.c[837]

HHC02265I Script 5: file 'D:/MVS/Conf/Script4.rc' aborted due to previous conditions

HHC02259E Script 6 aborted: 'user cancel request'

HHC00007I Previous message from function script_abort() at script.c[837]

HHC02265I Script 6: file 'D:/MVS/Conf/Script5.rc' aborted due to previous conditions

Figure 92: CSCRIPT command (cancel all scripts)

8.45 CTC (Enable / disable CTC debugging)

8.45.1 Function

The CTC command enables or disables the debug packet tracing for the specified CTCI / LCS / PTP de-
vice group(s) identified by devnum or for all CTCI / LCS / PTP device group(s) if devnum is not specified
or specified as ‘ALL’.

8.45.2 Syntax




~¬¬¬¬ ALL ¬¬¬¬¬®

¬¬¬¬ ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ÊÍ

8.45.3 Parameter


Enables the debug packet tracing.


Disables the debug packet tracing.


Specifies the CTCI / LCS / PTP device group(s) for which debug packet tracing has
to be enabled or disabled.


Enables or disables the debug packet tracing for all CTCI / LCS / PTP device
groups. 'ALL' is the default if no device group is specified.

8.45.4 Examples

Example 1:

Enable the debug packet tracing for all CTCI / LCS / PTP devices. Please note that not all hex columns
can be displayed in the figure below. Missing columns have been marked with “”.

HHC00013I Herc command: 'ctc debug on all'

HHC02204I CTC debug set to on ALL

HHC00910I 0:0E20 CTC: sending packet to device 'tun0'

HHC00964I CTC:

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