
52CAC4B7 G...i.j'Wy&qR... ..ta.{|..`....D.

HHC00964I CTC: packet


5.J._.['.$]q.r.. .p.a^.$...)...v.

HHC00964I CTC: packet trace:

HHC00913I 0:0E20 CTC: received 284 bytes size packet from device 'tun0'

HHC00964I CTC: packet trace: +


'Wy&qR... ..ta.{|..`....D.

HHC00964I CTC: packet trace: +0090> 0A




Figure 93: CTC command (enable debug packet tracing)

Example 2:

Disable the debug packet tracing.

HHC00013I Herc command: 'ctc debug off'

HHC02204I CTC debug set to off

Figure 94: CTC command (disable debug packet tracing)

8.46 DEFINE (Rename device)

8.46.1 Function

The DEFINE command can be used to “rename” a device (change the device number).

8.46.2 Syntax



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8.46.3 Parameter


The device number of the device that has to be renamed.


The new device number, to which the device should now be attached.

8.46.4 Examples

Example 1:

Rename two devices.

HHC00013I Herc command: 'define 00c5 00c6'

HHC00013I Herc command: 'define 0481 0482'

Figure 95: DEFINE command

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