8.146 SCLPROOT (Set or display SCLP base directory)

8.146.1 Function

The SCLPROOT command sets or displays the SCLP base directory. If a directory is given then SCLP
disk I/O for the specified directory path is enabled. NONE disables SCLP disk I/O.

A subsequent list-directed IPL resets the path to the location of the .ins file, and a subsequent CCW-type
IPL disables SCLP disk I/O. If no operand is specified, SCLPROOT displays the current setting.

8.146.2 Syntax






8.146.3 Parameter


Disables SCLP disk I/O.


Specifies the directory from which SCLP disk I/O is allowed. A subsequent IPL of
an “.ins” file or a subsequent CCW-type IPL will override this.

8.146.4 Examples

Example 1:

Display SCLP base directory.

HHC00013I Herc command: 'sclproot'

HHC02204I SCLP disk I/O set to disabled

Figure 271: SCLPROOT command (display SCLP base directory)

Example 2:

Set SCLP base directory.

HHC00013I Herc command: 'sclproot d:\iso'

HHC00013I Herc command: 'sclproot'

HHC02204I sclproot set to d:/iso/

Figure 272: SCLPROOT command (set SCLP base directory)

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