8.153 SF- (Delete a shadow file)

8.153.1 Function

The SF- command removes a shadow file. Depending on the MERGE / NOMERGE / FORCE parameter
the changes are incorporated in the base file or discarded.

If MERGE is specified or defaulted then the contents of the current file is merged into the previous file, the
current file is removed and the previous file becomes the current file.

If NOMERGE is specified then the contents of the current file is discarded and the previous file becomes
the current file. However if the previous file is read-only then a new shadow file is created ("re-added")
and that becomes the current file.

The FORCE option is required when doing a merge to a base file and the base file is read-only because
the 'ro' option was specified on the device configuration statement.

8.153.2 Syntax




- ¬¬¬§¬¬¬ ¬¬¬§¬¬¬¦¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¦¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ÊÍ

8.153.3 Parameter


This specifies the device for which a shadow file should be deleted.


Specifying an asterisk it is possible to remove a shadow file for all dasd devices
that have shadow files.


The MERGE parameter (which is the default) specifies that all changes or updates
that have been made to the shadow file will be committed.


The NOMERGE parameter specifies that all changes or updates that have been
made to the shadow file will be discarded instead of being committed.


The FORCE parameter is used when doing a merge to a base file that is read-only
because the 'ro' option was specified on the device configuration statement.

8.153.4 Examples

Example 1:

Remove a shadow file for device 0148 with backwards merge (i.e. commit all of the changes/updates).

HHC00013I Herc command: 'sf- 0148'

HHC00325I 0:0148 CCKD file[1] 'D:/MVS/SHADOW/MVSRES_1.CCKD': shadow file successfully merged

HHC00333I 0:0148 size free nbr st reads writes l2reads hits switches

HHC00334I 0:0148 readaheads misses

HHC00335I 0:0148 --------------------------------------------------------------------

HHC00336I 0:0148 [*] 21627652 0% 9 881 21 14 712 1520

HHC00337I 0:0148 74 23


HHC00339I 0:0148 [0] 21627652 0% 9 rw 881 21 14


Figure 281: SF- command

Example 2:

Remove a shadow file for device 0148 without backwards merge (i.e. discard all of the changes/updates).

HHC00013I Herc command: 'sf- 0148 nomerge'

HHC00325I 0:0148 CCKD file[1] 'D:/MVS/SHADOW/MVSRES_1.CCKD': shadow file successfully removed

HHC00333I 0:0148 size free nbr st reads writes l2reads hits switches

HHC00334I 0:0148 readaheads misses

HHC00335I 0:0148 --------------------------------------------------------------------

HHC00336I 0:0148 [*] 21627652 0% 9 883 20 14 715 1520

HHC00337I 0:0148 79 25


HHC00339I 0:0148 [0] 21627652 0% 9 rw 883 20 14


Figure 282: SF- NOMERGE command

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