Example 2:

Set the port number for the shared device server to 3999. To change the port number the shared device
server has first to be stopped.

20:05:26 HHC00013I Herc command: 'shrdport stop'

20:05:37 HHC00013I Herc command: 'shrdport 3999'

20:05:37 HHC00100I Thread id 00000BD0, prio 0, name 'Shared device server 0.1' started

20:05:37 HHC00737I Shared: waiting for shared device requests on port 3999

Figure 294: SHRDPORT command (set port number)

8.162 SIZEOF (Display size of structures)

8.162.1 Function

The SIZEOF command shows the size of various Hercules internal structures.

8.162.2 Syntax




8.162.3 Parameter


8.162.4 Examples

Example 1:

Display the size of internal structures.

HHC00013I Herc command: 'sizeof'

HHC02257I (unsigned short) .. 2

HHC02257I (void *) .......... 4

HHC02257I (unsigned int) .... 4

HHC02257I (long) ............ 4

HHC02257I (long long) ....... 8


several lines not displayed


HHC02257I REGS (copy len) ... 1584

HHC02257I PSW ............... 40

HHC02257I DEVBLK ............ 3096

HHC02257I TLB entry ......... 36

HHC02257I TLB table ......... 36864

HHC02257I CPU_BITMAP ........ 4

HHC02257I STFL_BYTESIZE ..... 10

Figure 295: SIZEOF command

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