LOAD hexadecimal number of up to six characters. If TRANS is
specified, the file is loaded into the CMS nucleus transient
area. If ORIGIN is not specified, loading begins at the
first available storage location in the user program area. Any program loaded into the transient area must have a
starting address of X'EOOO'. See the discussion of the GENMOD command for information on loading programs in the
transient area. writes a load map on your A-disk, named LaAD MAP AS. NOMAP does not create the LOAD MAP file. TYPE displays the load map at your terminal, as well as writing it
on the This option is valid only if the MAP option
is in effect. does not display the load map at the terminal. !H! includes invalid card images in the load map. NOINV does not include invalid card images in the load map. includes Replace (REP) statements in the load map. NOREP does not include the Replace (REP) statements in the load
searches your accessed virtual disks for TEIT file names to
resolve undefined references. NO AUTO suppresses automatic resolution of undefined references as 'I'EXT file names. allows TITLIB members to be loaded and searches library
directories for external references not resolved in the
loaded text. Text libraries to be searched must have been
previously defined by a GLOBAL command. NOLIBE suppresses all loading of TITLIB members. START executes the program being loajed when loading is completed. LOAD does not normally begin execution of the loaded files.
To begin execution immediately upon successful completion of
loading, specify START. Execution begins at the default
entry point. (See Usage Note 4.) QqR displays warning messages at your terminal when a duplicate CSECT is encountered during processing. The duplicate CSECT is not loaded. (See Usage Note 3.) NODUP does not display warning messages at your terminal
duplicate CSECTs are encountered during processing.
duplicate CSECT is not loaded.
1. You must have a read/write eMS A-disk accessed when you issue the LOAD command; the loader creates a temporary workfile named DMSLDR SYSUTl and writes it on the A-disk.
section 2. CMS Commands 121
L::>AD 2. Unless the NOMAP option is specified, a load map is created on the A-disk each time the LOAD command is issued. A load map is a file
that contains the location of control sections and entry points of
files loaded into storage. This load map is named LOAD MAP AS.
Each time LOAD is issued, a new LOAD MAP file replaces any previous LOAD MAP file.
If invalid card images exist in the file or files that are being
loaded, they are listed with the message INVALID CARD in the LOAD MAP file. To suppress this listing in the load map, use the NOINV option.
If Replace (REP) statements exist in the file being loaded, they
are included in the LOAD MAP file. To suppress this listing of REP statements, specify the NOREP option.
If the ENTRY or LIBRARY control cards are encountered in the
file, the load map contains an entry: CONTROL CARD-
listing the card that was read.
Mapping of any common areas that exist in the loaded files will
occur when the program is prepared for execution by the START or GENMOD command or by the START option of the LOAD or INCLUDE command. An updated load map may be displayed prior to program
execution if the START command is issued with the NO option to
suppress execution.
3. Duplicate CSECTs (control sections) are bypassed by the loader. Only the first CSECT encountered is physically loaded. The
duplicates are not loaded. A warning message is displayed at your
terminal if you specified the DUP option. If a section contains an ADCON that references a duplicate CSECT that has not been loaded,
that ADCON may be resolved incorrectly. 4. The loader selects the entry point for the loaded program according
to the following hierarchy: • From the parameter list on the START command • From the last RESET operand in a LOAD or INCLUDE command • From the last ENTRY statement in the input • From the last LDT statement in the input • From the first
that specifies
assembler- or compiler-produced END statement
an entry point if no ENTRY statement is in the • From the first byte of the first control section of the loaded
program if there is no ENTRY statement and no assembler-or
compiler-produced END statement specifying an entry point
5. The LOAD command should not be used to execute programs containing DOS macros. To link-edit and execute programs in the CMS/DOS environment, use the DOSLKED and FETCH commands.
6. See Figure 9 for an illustration of the loader search order. The
loader uses this search order to locate the filename on the LOAD and INCLUDE command lines, as well as in the handling of unresolved
122 VM/37Q CMS Command and Macro Reference
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