HNDSVC Macro CLR specifies that you no lonqer want to trap the specified SVC(s) ERROR=eI:'raddr specifies the address of an error routine to be given control
if an error is found. If ERROR= is not coded and an error
occurs, control returns to the next sequential instruction in
the calling program, as it does if no error occurs. You responsible for providing the proper entry and exit linkage for YOUI:' routine. When your program receives control, the
register contents are as follows: contents
12 Address-of your SYC-handling routine
13 Address of an 18-fullword save area (for your use) 14 Return address Yoar routine must return control to the address in register 14. If an eI:'roI:' occurs, register 15 contains one of the following eI:'ror codes: !1gggiRS Invalid SVC number or address SVC number set replaced previously set number SVC number cleared was not set
318 IBM YM/370 CMS Command and Macro Reference
LINEDIT llNEDIT Use the LINEDIT macro instruction to convert decimal values into EB:DIC
or hexa3ecimal and to display the results at your terminal. The format
of the LINEDIT macro instruction is:
[label] LINEDIT
r , r ,r , I,TEXT='messagetext' I I , , TEXTA=address I I NO I I NO I L J L J L
[ , SUB= (substitutionlist) ]
, I, DISP= 1YPE I I ,BUFFA= ({addreSsp t , NONE I , I I SIO I L
r "MF= /1 ) I address\) , , l (reg) '}
r ,
: ' RENT= :
, [,MAXSOBS=number] I I J
The LINEDIT macro operands are listed below, briefly. For detailed
formats, descriptions, and examples, refer to the appropriate heading
following "L1NED1T Macro Operands." TEXT='message text'
specifies the text of the message to be edited. TEXTA.=address specifies the address of the message text. It may be:
the symbolic address of the message text.
a register containing the address of the message text. DOT specifies whether a period is to be placed at the end of the
line. COMP SUB D1SP BOFFA MF specifies whether multiple blanks are to be remdved from the
specifies a substitution list describing the conversions to be
performed on the specifies how the edited line is to be used. When DISP is not
coded, the message text is displayed at the terminal.
specifies the address of the buffer in which the line is to be
specifies the macro format.
section 6. CMS Macro Instructions 319
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