If you specify the TYPE option, the file identification of each file erased is displayed. For example:
erase oldfile temp (type
results in the display: OLDFILE TEMP Al R; DMSERS002E FILE ['fn [ft [fm]]'] NOT FOUND RC=28 DMSERS003E INVALID OPTION 'option' RC=24 DMSERS031E DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLY RC=36 DMSERS04AE INVALID MODE 'mode' RC=24 DMSERS054E FILEID SPECIFIED RC=24 DMSERS06QE DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED RC=36 DMSERS010E INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' RC=24 DMSERS011E ERASE * * [*Imode] NOT ALLOWED RC=24 DMSERS10QT VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED NQi§: You can invoke the ERASE command from the terminal, from an EXEC file, or as a function from a program. If ERASE is invoked as a function or from an EXEC file that has the &CONTROL NOMSG option in effect, no error message is issued. 82 IBM VM/370 CMS command and Macro Reference
ESERV ESERV Use the ESERV EtEC procedure in CMS/DOS to copy edited DOS/VS macros
from system or private source statement E sublibraries to CMS disk
files, or to list de-edited macros. The format of the ESERV command is: r- , ESERV , fn '-- fn specifies the filename of the eMS file that contains the ESERV control statements; it must have a filetype of ESERV. The logical
unit SYSIPT must be assigned to the disk on which the ESERV file
resides. fn is also the filename of the LISTING and MACRO files
produced by the ESERV program.
1. The input file can contain any or all of the ESERV control
statements as defined in Guide to the 2. You must have a read/write A-disk accessed you uSe the ESERV command.
3. To copy macros from the system source statement library, you must have entered the CMS/DOS environment specifying the mode letter of
the DOS/VS system residence. To copy from a private source
statement library, you must assign the logical unit SYSSLB and
issue a DLBL command for the ddname IJSYSSL. 4. The output of the ESERV program is directed (as in DOS/VS) to
devices assigned to the logical units SYSLST and/or SYSPCH. If
either SYSLST or SYSPCH is not assigned, the following files are
created: !lni1 SYSL ST SYSPCH Q:!!!12:!!i Filg fn LISTING mode
fn MACRO mode
where mode is the mode of the disk on which the source file,
fn ESERV resides. If fn ESERV is on a read-only disk, the files are
written to your A-disk. You can override default assignments made by the ESERV EXEC as
follows: If you assign SYSIPT to TAPE or READER, the source statements
are read from that device. If you assign SYSLST or SYSPCH to another device, the SYSLST or SYSPCH files are written to that device.
5. The ESERV EXEC procedure clears all DLBL definitions, except those
entered with the PERM option.
6. If you want to use the ESERV command in an EXEC procedure, you must
use the EXEC command (because ESERV is also an EXEC). section 2. CMS Commands 83
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