UPDATE If the SEQUENCE control statement is processed after updates have been
applied, no warning message is issued.
Each source record is resequenced in columns 73-80 as it is written
onto the output file, including unchanged records from the source file
and records inserted from the update file. -- inserts all
next control statement, into the output
control statement is:
records following it, up to the
file. The format of the INSERT r , I . / I seqno [ $ (seqstrt (seqincr]]] , segno $ seqstrt
is the sequence number of the record in the source
input file following which new records are to be added.
is an optional delimiter indicating that the inserted
records are to be sequenced by increments.
is a one-to eight-digit numeric field specifying the
first decimal number to be used for sequencing the
inserted records.
is a one-to eight-digit numeric field specifying the
decimal increment for sequencing the inserted records.
All records following the "./ I" statement, up to the next control
statement, are inserted in the output file following the record
identified by the "seqno" field. If the NOINC option is specified, each
inserted record is identified with asterisks (********) in columns 73-80. If either the INC or CTL option is specified, the records are
inserted unchanged in the output file, or they are sequenced according
to the "seqstrt" and "seqincr" fields, if the dollar sign ($) key is
The lefault sequence increment, if the dollar sign is included, is
determined by using one tenth of the least significant, nonzero digit in
the seqno field, with a maximum of 100. The default seqstrt is computed
as segno plus the default seqincr. For example, the control statement:
./ I 2600 $ 2610 causes the inserted records to be sequenced XXX02610, XXX02620, and so
forth (NOSEQ8 assumed here). For the control statement:
./ I 240000 $
the defaulted seqincr is the maximum, 100, number is 240100. SEQ8 is assumed, so
sequenced 00240100, 00240200, and so forth.
and the starting sequence
the inserted records are
If either INC or CTL is specified but the dollar sign is not
included, whatever sequence number appears on the inserted records in
the update file is included in the output file. 204 IBM VM/370 CMS Command and Macro Reference
UPDATE -- deletes one or more records from the source
file. The format of the DELETE control statement is:
r --------------------------------,
i ./ D seqnol ( seqno2] [$] , L __________________________________________-J segnol
segno2 $ is the sequence number identifying the first or only
record to be deleted.
is the sequence number of the last record to be
is an optional delimiter indicating the end of the
control fields.
All records of the input file, beginning at seqnol, up to and
including the seqno2 record, are deleted from the output file. If the
seqno2 field is omitted, only a single record is -- replaces one or more input records with
updated records from the update file. The format of the REPLA:E control
statement is: r-- --, I .1 R segnol [seqno2] [$ [seqstrt [seqincr]]]1 L -.I segnol segno2
is the sequence number of the first input record to be replaced.
is the sequence number of the last record to be
is an optional delimiter key indicating that the
substituted records are to be sequenced incrementally.
is a one-to eight-digit numeric field specifying the
first decimal number to be used for sequencing the
substituted records.
is a one-to eight-digit numeric field specifying the
decimal increment for sequencing the substituted
records. All records of the input file, beginning with the seqno1 record, up
to and including the seqno2 record, are replaced in the output file by
the records following the ".1 pll statement in the update file, up to the
next control statement. As with the ".1 D" (delete) function, if the
segno2 field is omitted, only a single record is replaced, but it may be
replaced by more than a single inserted record. The "./ R" (replace)
function is performed as a delete followed by an insert: thus, the
number of statements inserted need not match the number deleted. The
dollar sign ($), segstrt, and seqincr processing is identical to that
for the insert function.
Section 2. eMS Commands 205
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